I like my daughter to be able to learn about the different cultures in the world. If there is one thing she won't be, it's sheltered. Just cause we live in Utah doesn't mean we can't experience the different cultures and religions. Just cause it isn't our life choice, doesn't mean that it doesn't work for some people. Live and let live. :) There is something beautiful to be said for every religion culture, in its own way.
Our Little Family
Our little family is the most important thing to us. No matter what we have to go through in life, we will find a way to deal with it as long as we have each other. “Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”~Franklin P. Jones
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Krishna Temple
One of the days, we decided to attend a festival they were having at the Krishna Temple in SLC. So, we went. They had food, a gift shop and a performance. It was a lot of fun and something totally different.

I like my daughter to be able to learn about the different cultures in the world. If there is one thing she won't be, it's sheltered. Just cause we live in Utah doesn't mean we can't experience the different cultures and religions. Just cause it isn't our life choice, doesn't mean that it doesn't work for some people. Live and let live. :) There is something beautiful to be said for every religion culture, in its own way.
I like my daughter to be able to learn about the different cultures in the world. If there is one thing she won't be, it's sheltered. Just cause we live in Utah doesn't mean we can't experience the different cultures and religions. Just cause it isn't our life choice, doesn't mean that it doesn't work for some people. Live and let live. :) There is something beautiful to be said for every religion culture, in its own way.
Josh and Tiffy
My sisters visit and the drama that came....
So, my little sister Crystal came for a 2 week visit from Florida. Most of us were all pretty excited and glad to be able to see her again. She stayed with us while she was here and mostly alternated between spending time with us and John. The first weekend she was in, the family decided to all get together for dinner to spend some time together.
Now, for a few months, on facebook, there had been some posts listed about high water bills and how there was leaking in the pipes of my parents house. Nothing major was posted, just comments here and there. So, of course, we're not going to think anything of it..especially since they were constantly going on their little trips out of town and such (nothing new).
So, we all go to dinner and have a nice time, but my parents do mention briefly how their water bill is high and how they have leaky pipes in their lawn and need to replace and fix it. No big urgency is shown at all.
While, my sister is here, we hang out and just mostly try to spend time together. She was set to leave on Labor day to go back home. So, on Saturday John and Jen (his girlfriend) decide to take Crystal to Park City and get a hotel for the night and hang out. So, she went to hang with them and then we were going to meet up w them Sunday morning to hang out and go to the Park Silly Sunday Market.
Late Saturday night,my dad calls and says that they are going to be digging holes the next day to stop the leaking of their pipes. No big urgency, but he asks if we haveplans. We explain that we do have plans, since it Crystals last day here, and he sounds really annoyed, but what else is new? I only see my sister MAYBE once a year and she the sibling that I am the closest to. LOL. So, of course, seeing her is going to be my top priority, especially seeing as how she was leaving on Monday. So, we told him we wouldn't be able to come.
The other frustrating thing, is that we are constantly inviting them to come see Tiffy at her events, but do they ever come? Rarely. They go on their vacations and hang out at home instead of seeing her. I can understand a BIG previously planned trip, or having to work. But when I give you over 2 months notice and you have no plans at the time, why would you choose to make plans and not come support your grandchild? If you don't put your family first, why will they do the same for you?I'm sorry that I have other higher priorities, but isn't that what friends and a elders quorum is for? To help you! Ugh! Whatever.
Anyway, we did our thing on Sunday with Crystal and then on Monday, we took her to the airport first thing in the morning.
I was really sad that she had to go, but understand that she hates UT and wants to live in FL where it's warm and where her boyfriend is. :)
Within a couple days, there were a couple childish and caddy posts put on facebook about how some people are there for you in an emergency and how now they know who really has your back and such. Really ridiculous! I think it's extremely childish and dumb, but whatever, can't say thatI'm surprised that they dink around and put things off for MONTHS and then because my sister comes into town (and they don't bother to see her more than once), we're all supposed to act that way too? I don't think so! Since when is THAT an emergency? If I knew that I had pipes leaking and it could possibly destroy my house and flood it, I sure wouldn't be taking mini vacations and waiting until the last second to fix it. And then, I sure as hell wouldn't be pissed off when my kids choose to spend time with their sibling who they only see once a year, instead of fixing my mess.
Less than a week later, I get a really upset call from my brother John who said that they asked him to come down and help fill in their holes. So, he took time out of his sleeping hours to come by and help them, and guess what? The holes were already filled. So, he calls my dad and is told that they wanted to "test him". What a load of BS! And what nerve! Such disrespect! Again, not really surprised. Suffice it to say, my brother was beyond upset, and honestly, I can't say that I blame him. The world must revolve around them. Sigh. I just wish some people would grow the hell up! Realize that if you don't show that you care about them, they aren't to care about you.
Zombie Walk
While Tiffy was gone at Granny Camp, Josh and I participated in a fun event I was invited to: Zombie Walk 2011. It was so much fun. I just wish Tiffy could have come with us. She would have had fun with us.
Here are some pics after we got ready:
We hadn't had something to eat yet, so we stopped off at a Mcdonald's (since we didn't want to go somewhere nice dressed as we were). It was so funny, people were like "Awesome!" There was even a lady that wanted a picture with us. LOL!
Afterwards, we headed over to the park where we were meeting our friends, Brennin and Jeri, and everyone else.

There were tons of people and some people had some really cool signs.

We all did a 12 block walk around Downtown Salt Lake. It was a lot of fun and people (including ourselves) really got into it.
There were some zombie killers in the mix too...

It was a lot of fun and there were all kinds of different people who were way into it. LOL.

Sunday, September 25, 2011
Summer Tumbling Recital
This year, the dance studio decided to do a summer recital for the performing classes; which means that Tiffy performed in a tumbling routine. She decided to do things that she isnt good at to push herself. It wasn't a recital she particularly cared about so she figured it would be a good time to push herself.

After the event, we took some pics after the event.

After the event, we took some pics after the event.
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