Our little family is the most important thing to us. No matter what we have to go through in life, we will find a way to deal with it as long as we have each other.
“Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”~Franklin P. Jones
Today was Tiffany's kindergarten graduation. A big day for her! They were were SO cute. They had their program where they sand songs and performed for all the parents and showed us just how cute they are and how much they have grown and changed within the last year. I am so proud of Tiffy. She has done fantastic this last year in school. Has gotten 3's (an equivalent of an A) on everything and her teacher says she is above where she should be. So, that's fantastic!!! After the ceremony, Tiffy and Taylor got together for some pics. Not a big shocker for those who have seen the 2 in action. LOL! Either way, they're adorable.
After, Tiffy and Taylor played for a few minutes while Kristin and I chatted.
I am constantly amazed at these girls. No matter what it is they do, they have fun. I kind of wish I was like that still...where its easy to be entertained by nothing. They have their whole lives in front of them and its a lot of fun to see it unfold.
So, on Memorial Day, our friends Angela and Alton and their kids (McKenzie, Jayden and Taylor) came over for a BBQ. The kids played together and had a lot of fun, while us adults hung out. It was a fun day.
We have been very lucky in our family in that we have 2 members in the military (Air Force and Marines) and yet in this time of war, we have not lost them. I am grateful that there are people who are willing to defend our country for our freedom. People who are willing to put their life on the line for the rest of us. I understand that freedom comes at a great price sometimes and it is not forgotten. For my military friends and family-thank you.
Tiffy's a funny girl in that she has been putting off learning to ride her bike. At first, when she first got her bike (without training wheels) she was all excited, but she fell off once 6 months ago and has not been interested. So, I haven't pushed her to learn, even though I think its an important thing for everyone to know how to do. We were talking about it this weekend though and she decided she was ready to try again. So, Josh and her made plans to learn. So yesterday, after her nap, they got on her padding and helmet, and just did it. The pictures show the gradual process of being a little freaked to having a blast doing it. Good job Tiff!
So, Tuesday night after dance I took Tiffy to Jayden's baseball game. Angela had mentioned it a few days before and ever since then, Tiffy had been excited to see him and support him in what he does. So, we got over there, and Tiffy and Taylor played and cheered Jayden on as his own cheering squad. It was way cute and pretty funny. I think it was kind of distracting for him, but when he got up to play, he did well. Angela and I watched from the sidelines and chatted while Alton helped coach the team. It's always fun to see kids grow and get better at activities and get more coordinated in the process. As you can see, they had fun and got to end the event with a popsicle which of course was a hit.
I've been thinking about my brother Brian lately. I'm not really sure why, but I'm worried about him. I suppose it's just being paranoid or weird because I haven't heard from him lately and when he doesn't check in with people, he tends to be getting into trouble. Either way, I truly hope he's okay and is doing well. I know that we aren't close, and I suppose its just me being the typical older sister with my "expectations" of myself, but I always hope he is well. To me, he's just a troubled soul (with good reason) and needs to find his way. I just hope he can do that before its too late. To all my family and friends, I hope you are well emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
I've been tagged and didn't realize it-- It's Angela's fault. :) A) pick up the nearest book B) turn to page 123 C) find the 5th sentence D) post the 5th sentence E) tag 5 (or more) people
A) Positive Psychology by Christopher Peterson B) did it C) ok D) Hope so defined is measured with a brief self-report scale. E) I tag Catie, Julie, Crystal, Josh and Lesley
I went to Katrina's wedding last night, and then her reception followed. She has become like a little sister to me since I've known her and its so strange for me to think that she is old enough to be married. Then again, she is older than I was when I got married- lol! I got to see my sister one last time, before she left this morning back to Florida. It was fun.
Watching her get married reminds me of my own wedding and the reasons that people get married. The love that brings 2 people together is such a beautiful thing. Sometimes when one gets married they are aware of the fact that marriage isn't an easy thing, but they don't fully understand it until much later. Love is hard, it's giving someone the power to hurt you and trusting that they don't. Some people say that you should marry the person loves you for you and not in spite of you. I like to think of love as something irrational, perhaps one of the only irrational thing in my life that I like. Something that you can't explain, and yet there it is. I think that love is seeing someone clearly for who they are and having that understanding seen reciprocally. There are many kinds of love, and they are all important and what makes one happy. Here are a couple quotes I've heard said about love that I really like:
Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. --Franklin P. Jones
The best portion of a man's life: his little nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. --William Wordsworth
Now, I'm not religious (as though who know me know, but I really like this): Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. --Corinthians 13:4-7
For others, love has its own description. I like this video cause what it says talks ahout a different side of love... lol.
Saturday morning started off at an unnatural hour so that we could get ready for Nationals Competition for dance. It was first supposed to be held at East high, but was changed to West high because High School Musical 4 is being filmed there. Then, they changed it to UVSC because the event had grown too large for West to hold. So, we left the house at 7:30 AM to get to the McKay Events Center in time. Yes, we made it in time! :) It was a tiring event, but luckily we got to leave right after her 2nd dance because of a wedding we had later in the day. I checked later to see how they had done and their Jazz dance took 4th and Lyrical dance took 3rd. I think the girls did awesome and I am so proud of Tiffy for doing so well. I love watching her compete and dance- doing what I love(d) and what she now loves.
On Friday, Tiffany and I went to the zoo for her school field trip. As a parent, I was assigned Tiffy and Kylie. Kristen and I had planned on going together with Taylor and any other child she had assigned to her. Turns out she had 4 other kids. Yikes! I know. We made the best of it and resolved to take the group around. After, we learned that bribing (a snack IF they stayed together and listened) the group worked, we had a lot more fun. We got some great pictures and hung out together. It was nice to take a day off work and spend quality time with my daughter. It made me realize that I do wish I had more time in my schedule to spend with her. Well, it was nice for the day since that's all the time I had for now. As you can see from the pictures, the girls were quite the posers for the pics, but had a blast. We'll definitely do it again.
Today was one of those days where I have to really wonder whether I really like and want my job at all. I am truly geting to the point to where I am starting to ask myself if the pro's outweigh the cons. I think I want to start looking for some type of work where I can work from home. I just don't think I can do this for much longer...
On a slightly different topic, I am so glad that tomorrow is Tiffy's "ZOO DAY" at school. Kristen and I have both taken it off to take our daughters, and it should be a lot of fun with some nice quality time mixed in. So, we'll see how it goes. I am glad I will not be at work dealing withthe drama and can instead spend some much deserved down time with the person that makes all the stupid work stuff seem trivial and helps me put things in perspective.
I was sitting on the porch swing the yesterday and Tiffy was sitting outside on the sidewalk in her little chair just reading her books. She saw a girl that we know and said hi. The girl ignored her. Tiffy said it again, and again she was ignored-only this time the girl went inside her house. A few minutes later a boy we know came down the sidewalk and Tiffy said hi, he walked right past her and ignored her. She said hi again, and again she was ignored. Tiffy didn't say anything, but it really bothered me. I don't know if it bothered her or if she even questioned it. I truly hope not. Its one thing to have to pay for things that aren't your fault because of a circumstance and something you did. Its another thing to have others (especially your child) pay for it when they had nothing to do with it. It is situations like this that makes my position in this situation really hard. I understand why things have to be this way, but no matter what, I still have that parental instinct in me that just gets plain pissed off because of it. I won't do or say anything because it wouldn't do any good and because it is pointless, and so that is why I am writting it down-to vent. I sit here and I think of why I did what I did...and the fact is, it just wasn't about certain people. Some people have to be protected no matter what: whether the parents want it, whether the kids want it, and whether the neightborhood wants it. I am truly sorry that the situation is hard for people, but the fact remains, that we did not cause the problem. What we did may have brought it to light and made them deal with it, but we didn't cause it. So, I will hope and pray that Tiffy has no idea of the drama that is going on right in front of her face and hope that she isn't hurt in any respect by it.
I have posted this video for 2 reasons: a- it explains why we did what we did and why I wouldn't change what we did no matter what, and b- because this is a sad video that I have never been able to get out of my mind and it is a big reminder of the things that happen when people turn their heads to the reality of life and look away. We should all hope to have the courage to do what is right regardless of how hard it is. I suppose that's what's called integrity; though the fact is, it just plain sucks sometimes.
Mother's day is always an interesting day. I think it is for a lot of people in some ways- you have these women who are not mothers, either because they are childless (for whatever reason) or because they are pregnant. I know... some people think that if you are pregnant then you are a mother, but I can't agree with that because the thing about being a mother is that you can't truly understand it unless you really are one. until you see that child, you have no real comprehension of what you really feel. You don't learn to really love in that no holds barred, unconditional love sort of way. Until you have the responsibility of taking that small child into your arms and feeling that responsibility its just a thought and an illusion that you only think you understand. It's the strangest thing in so many ways. What really makes me wonder is those parents who don't feel that commitment to their child: the need to love them, take care of them, be there for them and support them throughout their entire life. I suppose I can't understand it because it seems illogical in so many ways-Even from a scientific perspective, we are "programmed" to love and nurture our children.
From a personal side, today was good. We got up and had breakfast. Josh and Tiffy made peach stuffed french toast with cinnamon rolls, sausage and coffee. We hung out for a while and then took a nap. We got up and hung out for a while. I worked on some school prepping, while they went out and went to the store. When they came back, Tiffy gave me my gifts: a framed picture collage and a hand plaster casting. It was cute. She was so excited about all the stuff she had worked so hard on. We went to a movie a bit later- Ironman. It was a funny movie. We got home and Josh helped Tiffy make a chocolate cake (all by herself), and while it baked Josh made dinner. All in all, a chill day.
So I wanted to think of something intelectual to say on my first blog, however, it looks like this is just my thoughts. yesterday was a hectic day at work. It was really busy for Mother's Day plus it was a Saturday and so we were slammed. It's not rare to be doubled up with customers. Well, one of the guys was visiting with his girlfriend and not working as he was supposed to. It really upset me to see him doing this. Well the Regional manager also saw it and so we had to have a 'sit down' with him and go over this. It was my job to discuss the inappropriate behavior of spending time with his girlfriend and not helping customers. Well the hard part was that his is/was a peer as I have just been recently been promoted to the assistant store manager. Well, it was kind of a crossroads for me. I had to realize that I am no longer his peer and am now his supervisor. I can't care what they think of me. I am only responsible for the success of the store. If they get too comfortable with their position and start slacking off, then it is my responsibility to straighten them up or they can essentially find a new job that they care about. The crossroads was I really didn't care about his personal opinion about me, cause it's not in my best interest to do so. Does it sound bad? I really don't care. I care about my success and the ability to do my job well and fulfill MY responsibilities.
Finally! After so much time and effort and drama in between, I have fixed my laptop and networked it with my home PC so that I can access the internet wirelessly through my laptop. So, yea!!!
On another note, I'm so glad to be home and not at work. I have been working way too much at ridiculous hours with entirely way too much stress attached. Honestly, if it wasn't for that break I make myself take every day to have lunch with Lesley and Julie, I would probably go postal. Although, any of the 3 of us could probably say that. LOL!
I am lying next to Tiffy as she is watching her Dora movie and I am typing on the internet, and I am again reminded how soon the years pass. Before I realize it, she will have grown up and will be married with kids of her own.
A funny thing happened today, I was on the way home and Tiffy was talking to me when she said, "mom, I'm gonna marry Jayden." I had to laugh. So, I asked her how come. She continued on to say that he's her boyfriend and he said they'd get married someday. So, I said, "so when are you allowedto get married?" She said, "twenty five mom." I had to laugh again. She remembers our conversations very well. Cracks me up the kind of memory she has.
Someday I know that she will look at her child and think the very same type of things that I am thinking now... lol!
Sometimes computers are SO annoying. Something happened to my laptop IP address so it wouldn't read a modem connection and I ended up having to repair and recover it to the original setting. Its a good thing I have a fairly large flash drive so that I could transfer all my files. Sigh. So, today I get to work on updating my laptop with all my settings and then I can finlly transfer my files back. Suffice it to say that last night I was VERY annoyed. Sigh! Oh well... I guess life happens right.
I suppose that when the weather gets rainy I start thinking about things. I was thinking about things on my drive home today and thoughts went to life and how sad it is at times . It made me think about how precious life really is. I kept on thinking and thought about how my friends dog got very sick recently and they had to put her to sleep. I also had a previous co-worker die recently. All of this and situations here and there have made me think about life and what's really important. So often we get caught up in all the drama, that we forget that one day we may not be here anymore. As I thought about this, I remembered a situation from my Sophomore year in college. This guy and I had been on bad terms for more than a year (over stupid things) because he liked to provoke me, and I just couldn't let it go. One day, I was playing pool downstairs with some friends when he came over and asked if he could talk to me. I said ok, and we went outside to chat for a few minutes. He told me had been a jerk and if I woulf forgive him. Usually, I would have blown it off (at that time in my life), but for whatever reason, I felt he was sincere and decided to let bygones be bygones. We hugged and made plans to have lunch the next week. I got a call a few days later from a friend who told me that he had died in a car accident on his way down Parley's canyon (and no foul play was suspected). For some reason, I knew that we were meant to settle our differences before anything happened. I realized then that its important to live life to the fullest and live day by day. I try to live live as though there is no tomorrow. I try to tell my daughter how much I love her and care for her and how she is the sunshine in my day. I can't imagine life without her. She has truly changed my life and the person I am today would not have happened without her in my life.
This is my family and I am posting this blog so we can remember all the things that happen in our life that we cannot seem to keep track of- things that someday we will want to look back on and remember. So, for that reason, I have started this blog. It will mostly be me (Cio) writting on it, but on occassion, Josh will add some comments and words. lol.