So, Josh and I were supposed to go golfing and spend the day together for our anniversary, but since they fired a manager at his work, he had to go in and work until 4 PM. I was bummed, but what can you do? So, I figured I'd take the day off anyway and enjoy it. So, I scheduled a massage, mani and pedi. lol.
I got up Thursday and got ready for the day. It was Angie's birthday so I got her card and present all together and put it in her mailbox on my way out- No, I would not just stop and drop it off at 8:45 AM! That would not be nice. lol. So, I went to Millpond Spa. When I got there, they served me citrus water while I filled out my paperwork. Then, I went down to the locker room and got in my wrap and robe. I went and sat in the steam room for a while (I love wet sauna's!) until jeremy (my masseuse) came and got me. Normally, I'm pretty leery over a male masseuse (call me paranoid or whatever), but he was very professional and did a GREAT job! Then, after the hour long full body massage (AH!), I went and changed. I went upstairs and got my mani from Hope (very cute girl and very nice- did a great job!). While my mani was drying, I got my pedi from her as well. While I was getting my pedi done, they brought me cappuccino and juice along with a fruit tray with coffee cake and a chocolate. All very chill and very nice.
I finally got out of the spa around 1:30 PM, and of course work had called with "an emergency". I had to laugh. I got it resolved with a phone call and went home to touch up my makeup. I then went to lunch with my friend Gary at Tracks at 2 PM, and hung out with him until about 3:30 PM.
I then went home and watched an episode of Lost (very addicting show). Then, I got ready for dinner with Josh. We went to dinner and my John and Patty watched Tiffy for us. We went to the Melting Pot- best dessert ever!
When we went to pick Tiffy up, she didn't want to go home. I always have to laugh cause she just adores my brother and never wants to go back home once she's been hanging out with him. He is SO good with kids and it'll be interesting to see him with his own someday. He'll be a great dad!
All in all a good day!
Our little family is the most important thing to us. No matter what we have to go through in life, we will find a way to deal with it as long as we have each other. “Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”~Franklin P. Jones
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Year End Recital
It was a bit crazy of a day, but it went well. We had to rush rush rush to get ready, and I drove pretty fast (even for me) on the freeway to make it on time (lol), but we made it. Katrina and Carlos, John, my dad and Lonnie made it to the "show". Josh and I gave Tiffy flowers for the great job this competition year.

I got some good pictures of Tiffany and my brother John (whom she just absolutely adores), Tiffy and a couple of her friends, and even one of the family.

After dinner, my dad and Lonnie, and Josh, Tiffy and I all went to dinner. It was a nice way to end the night, but we were sure tired by the time we got home. lol.
I will post the video later once I get it.

I got some good pictures of Tiffany and my brother John (whom she just absolutely adores), Tiffy and a couple of her friends, and even one of the family.

After dinner, my dad and Lonnie, and Josh, Tiffy and I all went to dinner. It was a nice way to end the night, but we were sure tired by the time we got home. lol.
I will post the video later once I get it.
Friday, June 20, 2008
So, today I had to get off of work at 1:30 PM so I could have Tiffy in Magna by 3:45 PM with hair, makeup and everything done. Let me tell was not easy! Especially when I ended up leaving work about 15 minutes late. However, I made it. We were supposed to be there for 3 hours- HA! Yeah right! It ended up being 3.5 hours. Sigh. Oh well. The girls were so funny and I have to say that even though they almost made the girl (who was watching over them) almost cry cause she was so stressed out, she still kept saying they were so cute. I think they will be great tomorrow and they are so excited and look great. I have to say, I am amazed every time I see the difference between the comp teams and the performing teams- its like night and day the difference of how good they are. I'm excited to see the show tomorrow. Her year end recital- always fun! Good luck Tiffy!!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Spring/Summer is now in full bloom. I was so surprised to see yellow flowers on the side of my house. I guess I had forgot what I had planted there and it was a nice surprise.

My other flowers have really started coming out as well, and its so nice to see. Those who don't really know me usually think that because I'm a TOTAL city person that I don't appreciate nature. Well, this is the kind of nature that I appreciate. lol. Its simple and beautiful.
On another note, my weeds at the back of the yard were SO high they almost had Ally covered. Alton was nice enough to come down this morning and cut them down for us. Thank you Alton! We appreciate it.

My other flowers have really started coming out as well, and its so nice to see. Those who don't really know me usually think that because I'm a TOTAL city person that I don't appreciate nature. Well, this is the kind of nature that I appreciate. lol. Its simple and beautiful.
On another note, my weeds at the back of the yard were SO high they almost had Ally covered. Alton was nice enough to come down this morning and cut them down for us. Thank you Alton! We appreciate it.

Father's Day-Part 2
Tiffy and I then decided to play in the pool for a while.

Then, Tiffy being the person she is..he he... decided to turn the tables on Josh and attack him next. Suffice it to say I was amused again.

At the end of the day, she was ready for bed (though she didn't know it).

The day ended with Alton, McKenzie and Jayden coming over for a little bit to visit. Tiffy was so excited to have him back. They ran aorund the whole time just playing together happy as can be. Josh was glad to have Alton back too. They are just too funny together. They crack me up!!!

Then, Tiffy being the person she is..he he... decided to turn the tables on Josh and attack him next. Suffice it to say I was amused again.

At the end of the day, she was ready for bed (though she didn't know it).

The day ended with Alton, McKenzie and Jayden coming over for a little bit to visit. Tiffy was so excited to have him back. They ran aorund the whole time just playing together happy as can be. Josh was glad to have Alton back too. They are just too funny together. They crack me up!!!
Father's Day
Yesterday started out pretty shaky. Tiffy was being a problematic 6 year old and was determined to make it a very hard day. But time passed and she came out of it by the evening, and became the sparkly person I know her to be once again. We went outside and got some sun and played in the little pool we have.
Josh was the first to get in the water. I had to laugh. He looked so funny sitting in the little pool.

Tiffany was next, but she had a blast playing.

By this point, Josh was feeling a bit lazy just hanging out- being the ADD person that he is. So, he decided to brush the dogs down. So, we brought them out and he brushed Piper down.

She has so much hair though, that he decided she needed a good dunking in the pool. She looked like a little wet rat when she was done. LOL!

We played with the dogs a bit more before it was Ally's turn to get brushed. She's kind of a scaredy cat sometimes so Josh had to get under the tramp to get anywhere with her. Piper was following them around the whole time. I had a good laugh.

Josh decided he'd played enough and got back to work. I laughed again at his inability to relax!
Josh was the first to get in the water. I had to laugh. He looked so funny sitting in the little pool.

Tiffany was next, but she had a blast playing.

By this point, Josh was feeling a bit lazy just hanging out- being the ADD person that he is. So, he decided to brush the dogs down. So, we brought them out and he brushed Piper down.

She has so much hair though, that he decided she needed a good dunking in the pool. She looked like a little wet rat when she was done. LOL!

We played with the dogs a bit more before it was Ally's turn to get brushed. She's kind of a scaredy cat sometimes so Josh had to get under the tramp to get anywhere with her. Piper was following them around the whole time. I had a good laugh.

Josh decided he'd played enough and got back to work. I laughed again at his inability to relax!

Monday, June 9
Today after work we chilled. We hung out outside and got some nice rays of sun.It was nice to get some sun after all the rain we've had lately.

Tiffy rode her bike and Maddie rode her scooter. Then, the girls chilled for a while and read some books. They were so cute playing together.

Josh finally got the x-mas lights down! YEA!!! I'd say it was about time. I've ONLY been after him to take them down for 5 months. LOL!!! He laughs at me as I post this cause he knows its true. I was so glad, I had to commemorate the occasion by taking pictures of him doing so. He he.

All in all, a good chill day!

Tiffy rode her bike and Maddie rode her scooter. Then, the girls chilled for a while and read some books. They were so cute playing together.

Josh finally got the x-mas lights down! YEA!!! I'd say it was about time. I've ONLY been after him to take them down for 5 months. LOL!!! He laughs at me as I post this cause he knows its true. I was so glad, I had to commemorate the occasion by taking pictures of him doing so. He he.

All in all, a good chill day!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Sex In The City and Deseret Peak Days
So, I went to go see Sex In The City on Friday with some friends. We had a blast. We saw the movie and then went to Skybox for a while. I loved the movie. It reminds me how much I love the series.
Yesterday was Saturday and it was so busy and crazy. I got up at an ungodly hour so that I could study for my test at 9 AM. Dropped Tiffy off at 8:15 AM at Brandy's and then went for my test. I then went back to pick Tiffy up. Brandy and I chatted for a bit, and so I got homw at 12:10PM which is good because Maddie's dad was there already waiting for me (he was supposed to be there at 12:15 PM to drop her off). So, I got the girls ready. We ran over to Panda and got some to-go and hurried over to Deseret Peak (they had to be there by 2:15PM). So, we got there and they ate for a few minutes before they had to perform. They did so good and were so cute. After all their competitions, it was nice to have them dance in a more lax environment. It allowed them to get up there and shine without all the extra pressure. So, they had a lot of fun. I have posted their 2 dances- so cute!
Yesterday was Saturday and it was so busy and crazy. I got up at an ungodly hour so that I could study for my test at 9 AM. Dropped Tiffy off at 8:15 AM at Brandy's and then went for my test. I then went back to pick Tiffy up. Brandy and I chatted for a bit, and so I got homw at 12:10PM which is good because Maddie's dad was there already waiting for me (he was supposed to be there at 12:15 PM to drop her off). So, I got the girls ready. We ran over to Panda and got some to-go and hurried over to Deseret Peak (they had to be there by 2:15PM). So, we got there and they ate for a few minutes before they had to perform. They did so good and were so cute. After all their competitions, it was nice to have them dance in a more lax environment. It allowed them to get up there and shine without all the extra pressure. So, they had a lot of fun. I have posted their 2 dances- so cute!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Teeth, Pictures, Movies, and Deseret Peak
So, yesterday my dad took a few hours off of work so he could come by and pick Tiffy up from school and they hung out together while Josh and I went to a meeting for a free vacation. LOL- I know... They had a lot of fun as was evident by how tired she seemed when I picked her up around 8 PM. I had to laugh. Have to give her credit though, she made it all the way home, before she started dozing. Apparently, at some point in the day, she had lost one of her top teeth (which has been hanging around for like a month). So, she was glad. It was in a sealed envelope and everything and said "Tiffany's Tooth." Then, she had apparently written a note on it that said "Dear Tooth Fairy this is Tiffany's tooth. Love Tiffany." It was so cute I just had to smile and laugh about it. It's amazing to think how very fast they all grow up...especially since I can still remember what its like being her age.
So, on another note, Josh and I decided we're going to go up to the cabin next year (probably with some select friends/family who may want to come) and do like a week of sun, tanning, skiing and just relaxation. It'll be SO much fun! We'll take up Brian's boat (if possible). I also alked to Kristin and she thinks it would be a lot of fun and wants to talk to Devin about going. If they do, I'm sure they'll bring their boat and mabe water toys. LOL. Either way, I'm sure it'll be a blast. We may go up later this year as in September for a 4-5 days or so, just to relax cause god knows we need that.
Tiffy had pictures for her Comp dance team today. So, I had to leave work early so I could get her hair and makeup done and have her fed and at the studio by 5:45 PM. Sigh. Like Angela was saying today, its crazy the things that we as parents do for our kids. That is such a true statement for sure. In the end, though, its totally worth it when you see how they do and feel about themselves as a result of what they have done and/or accomplished. They went and got pics. I'm sure they'll look adorable. I got 2 packages (one w the polka dot outfit and one w her purple lyrical outfit).
Tomorrow a bunch of us girls are getting together to go watch the movie "Sex In The City." It'll be fun. Just a bunch of us girlfriends going to watch the best "girl movie" of the year. Okay, so I am biased because I love Sex In The City and own ALL the seasons..but still! Sometimes don't you just have to get away from everything and just have a girls night out? I know we do! LOL!!!
Saturday, Tiffy has a performance at Deseret Peak. She'll perform 2 dances with her team. So, it'll be a lot of fun. Nutso though cause I have a test at 9 AM, then I run back to Town, pick up Tiff from Brandy's, run home, have Maddie Stevenson dropped off, hurry and get the girls ready for performance, run to performance..and who knows how late that'll go till. Good thing there's such a thing as coffee. LOL!
We'll, I've been avoiding homework for long enough. So, I suppose I have to go do know...get ready for that test and all...and yes its worth it...that's what I have to keep reminding myself of.
So, on another note, Josh and I decided we're going to go up to the cabin next year (probably with some select friends/family who may want to come) and do like a week of sun, tanning, skiing and just relaxation. It'll be SO much fun! We'll take up Brian's boat (if possible). I also alked to Kristin and she thinks it would be a lot of fun and wants to talk to Devin about going. If they do, I'm sure they'll bring their boat and mabe water toys. LOL. Either way, I'm sure it'll be a blast. We may go up later this year as in September for a 4-5 days or so, just to relax cause god knows we need that.
Tiffy had pictures for her Comp dance team today. So, I had to leave work early so I could get her hair and makeup done and have her fed and at the studio by 5:45 PM. Sigh. Like Angela was saying today, its crazy the things that we as parents do for our kids. That is such a true statement for sure. In the end, though, its totally worth it when you see how they do and feel about themselves as a result of what they have done and/or accomplished. They went and got pics. I'm sure they'll look adorable. I got 2 packages (one w the polka dot outfit and one w her purple lyrical outfit).
Tomorrow a bunch of us girls are getting together to go watch the movie "Sex In The City." It'll be fun. Just a bunch of us girlfriends going to watch the best "girl movie" of the year. Okay, so I am biased because I love Sex In The City and own ALL the seasons..but still! Sometimes don't you just have to get away from everything and just have a girls night out? I know we do! LOL!!!
Saturday, Tiffy has a performance at Deseret Peak. She'll perform 2 dances with her team. So, it'll be a lot of fun. Nutso though cause I have a test at 9 AM, then I run back to Town, pick up Tiff from Brandy's, run home, have Maddie Stevenson dropped off, hurry and get the girls ready for performance, run to performance..and who knows how late that'll go till. Good thing there's such a thing as coffee. LOL!
We'll, I've been avoiding homework for long enough. So, I suppose I have to go do know...get ready for that test and all...and yes its worth it...that's what I have to keep reminding myself of.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The drama continues
So, yesterday I go to pick Tiffy up and apparently a boy had sprayed chemical in her face not 5 minutes before. Was anyone doing anything? NO! Had the boy even been reprimanded? NO! When i got there I was beyond pissed. I spoke to the director and made her take care of the issue. Then, I called the owner and told her about it. Sufffice it to say, the teacher who should have been handling it, isn't there anymore as of last night. I was so ticked off. Especially since something like this happened to one of Tiff's friends less than a month ago. Sigh... what else can I do? nothing. It's all very frustrating. I had Tiffy rinse her face off and luckily the chemical was Cl based and was watered down so it didn't burn her or anything. My dad is picking Tiffy up today to watch her tonight so Josh and I can go out to a meeting. I'm sure they'll have a blast together. I SO need a vacation.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Busy Weekend
We have been So busy the last couple of days. Thursday, Tiffany went to the first part of 08-09 Comp Team tryouts where they learn a new routine to try out with on Saturday. They get an hour to learn it and then they have to practice on their own. It was to the Mickey song (you know... "oh Mickey, you're so fine, you blow my mind. hey Mickey, hey hey hey, hey Mickey." yeah, that one). Anyway, so Thursday Tiffy practived for a couple hours, but she was really emotional because she was sad that she was gonna miss Jayden (her friend). Friday, she practiced for an hour or so as well. Saturday morning she got up and practied for a half hour or so, and then went to her tryout. She tried out at 9 AM, and got the results at 8 PM. She, of course, made the squad again. They opened up a couple extra spots this year. So, they didn't have to bump as many girls this time. We went to Dinner last night (Saturday) asa congratulations and went and saw the movie Indiana Jones afterward. We all liked it. This morning, we got up and Josh mowed the lawn while we got ready for the day and worked on our menu. We went to SL after that and went to brunch and bought Guitar Hero. We then went down to my dad's house afterward and picked up a new tree and tomato plant he had picked up for us. We went and saw Chronicles of Narnia after that. Then we went home. We've just been chillin and trying to avoid thinking about the fact that tomorrow is Monday. Sigh. Oh well! All in all, though, a good weekend.
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