So, I get a call from a woman who saw my resume posted and wanted me to come in for a position that she had open in her company that she thought I would be a good fit for. so, I went in yesterday and met with her. We had a good "meeting" and she asked me to complete the next step in process which is to take a personality profile test that their company requires for some of their positions. She said she would email it to me. She also said that if they decide that i would be a good fit then I would find out by friday or so if they wanted to meet for a final interview. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The position is basically doing what I do now, but with more money year. Which in this day and age, and economy, is an important thing. So, we'll see.
I had a Slumber Party last night at Misty's (she was the hostess). It went well, once I found her house. I was on time though and we all had a lot of fun. She even got 50.00 in free product. Not too shabby for me either.