After, we got them changed back into their traveling uniform. We had an hour break, so Tamra, Maddie and the 3 of us went to lunch together. When we came back, we had to get the girls changed and ready for their production number in which they are cowgirls- Tiffy is the Sheriff.

Tiffy wasn't feeling well- her stomach was having some issues, but she sucked it up and danced anyway. She did have a couple mess ups, but kept a smile plastered on her face while on stage. She overdid one step and fell, but kept going as she has been trained to do. I was so proud of her for ignoring the pain and frustration and kept up with the routine. Once, behind the prop, I could tell she was almost ready to cry, but she did as she has been taught and calmed herself to do the next section perfectly. It takes a lot of commitment to keep going after you are hurt and embarrassed. It all paid off though.
After their dance, the AM awards were next. We found out that the studio had taken 1st in all dances performed up to that point-which meant that both dances they were in won 1st. WOOHOO! Josh, Tamra and I all sat together fot the awards ceremony and were super loud. We really made the studio in front of us mad cause we kept cheering super loud when we took 1st (because they were taking like 3rd and 4th- ha ha). It was so awesome! Sammy (from Tiffy's class) had decided to do a solo and took 1st. We took 1st in Mini Amateur Jazz (that was Hey Mickey!- our girls), Mini Amateur Novelty (the group Tiffy wants to try to get into next season), Junior Amateur Jazz, and Small Production. We also won overall highest scores! Very cool!!! We haven't found out how the older girls did because their awards are later at night at the very end of the competition, but we should find out this week how they did.
After the awards ceremony, we got to leave. So, we got Tiffy changed back into her traveling uniform and got all of our stuff. As we were leaving, she gave us her opinion on how the day had gone.

She was really excited to get 1st in all categories she had performed in. Last year, we placed in all categories and did fairly well, but this competition we took first in all which is exciting.
After we got home, we all took a nap which was VERY needed by this point. We plan of taking the rest of the weekend to do a whole lot of nothing and try to recoop before we all have to go back to work on Monday. We do not have another competition until May, but May should be a very exhausting month as we have 2 competitions and their final recital. This means long hours of practice for the next 2 months. It's okay. The girls love to dance and if she likes it and keeps her busy, then it's a good thing.