Santa sent Tiffany and Josh a message (separately) the other day. I loved it so much I had to keep it so it could be posted.
Here is Tiffany's:
The message was super cute and she was so excited to get her peronalized message and get to meet the reindeer.
Josh also got one as well. Here is the link to his message:
Our little family is the most important thing to us. No matter what we have to go through in life, we will find a way to deal with it as long as we have each other. “Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”~Franklin P. Jones
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Josh's work holiday party
Last week was Josh's work holiday party. We all went to Christophers and we all had a great time. It was a small cozy group of just the 8 of us. Josh and I, Mark and Trisha, Darwin and Annette, and Destiny and Will.

Josh is taking the picture and I am on the other end of the table that can't be seen...which is fine by me. LOL. All in all, it was a fun night.
Josh is taking the picture and I am on the other end of the table that can't be seen...which is fine by me. LOL. All in all, it was a fun night.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Putting up the tree and the decorations
Every year as a family, we put up our tree and the decorations. It was a little weird this year because normally we put the tree by the window, but because Tiffy is working on 2 solos andneeds to practice, we had to relocatethe position of the tree so that it would work with all of her practices which take most of my front room floor- even with all the furniture being moved. It's all good though...we worked it out.

Black Friday
On Black Friday, Tiffy and I got up at 3AM and let Josh sleep in until 3:30AM. We got ready and left the house at 4AM so we could go shopping. We were out shopping and having fun. At around 12PM, we went to brunch. We got home around 1:30PM and decided we wanted to take a nap and chill a bit before we went out again.
At 4PM, we were up and ready and left the house to finish shopping. We shopped until it was dinner time and we caught a late movie- Burlesque with Cher and Christina Aguilera. It was a great movie and a great way to end the day! We got almost all of our shopping done so it was a very productive day.
At 4PM, we were up and ready and left the house to finish shopping. We shopped until it was dinner time and we caught a late movie- Burlesque with Cher and Christina Aguilera. It was a great movie and a great way to end the day! We got almost all of our shopping done so it was a very productive day.
This year Thanksgiving fell on the 25th of November. In the morning, we went to brunch with my family. My brother John, my dad and Lonnie came. Brian decided he wanted to sleep instead. So stupid to ditch family for sleep (especially when it's something you do every day), but whatever! People can do what they wish. Anyway, we went to brunch at Madelines steakhouse cause they had a thanksgiving brunch. We were there for about an hourand change and then we said goodbye.
All was mostly fine and no real "arguments" except for the fact that the server was a complete idiot. Anyone who knows me knows that crappy service is a total peeve of mine. On the whole, she did mostly ok with keeping drinks refilled and what not, but when it came time for the bill....she SUCKED!!!! She made several mistakes: 1) she hands Josh the bill instead of placing in the middle of the table or in between us. 2) when I grab the bill and then hand it to her with my card, she brings it back and then hands it back to Josh. HELLO!!! What is wrong with her???????? What a stupid girl!!! Talk about being in a different century and not knowing how to be an appropriate server. I made a comment on their survey comments slip because I think it's important that servers place the bill in themiddle of the table and should ever make an assumption as to who is paying the bill. Also, you ALWAYS return it to the person who paid for it. DUH!!!
After brunch, we went home and got dinner ready. Jeanie and COby and the kids were coming over to have Thanksgiving dinner with us. It was nice and chill and not stressful at all since we all get along really well. The kids love each other and we all have a blast- which is what Thanksgiving should be.
At about 10PM, Josh and Coby went to Walmart to aquire some items we wanted on the black friday prices. I choose to not go to Walmart because I get very aggressive in situations where people aren't behaving properly. I do not approve of people grabbing stuff out of my cart of hand basket. It sets me off and I knew that especially at Walmart, I would probably get ina fight over stuff like that. I don'tdeal with people like that well. So, Josh went instead. He said it was absolutely insane and that he had no idea people would be like that. LOL!!! He said it was absolutely nuts and that people were trying to grab crap out of his basket and I guess some lady got thrown into a pallet full of stuff. I thought it was pretty funny but VERY glad I didn't go. He finally got home around 1:30AM.
All was mostly fine and no real "arguments" except for the fact that the server was a complete idiot. Anyone who knows me knows that crappy service is a total peeve of mine. On the whole, she did mostly ok with keeping drinks refilled and what not, but when it came time for the bill....she SUCKED!!!! She made several mistakes: 1) she hands Josh the bill instead of placing in the middle of the table or in between us. 2) when I grab the bill and then hand it to her with my card, she brings it back and then hands it back to Josh. HELLO!!! What is wrong with her???????? What a stupid girl!!! Talk about being in a different century and not knowing how to be an appropriate server. I made a comment on their survey comments slip because I think it's important that servers place the bill in themiddle of the table and should ever make an assumption as to who is paying the bill. Also, you ALWAYS return it to the person who paid for it. DUH!!!
After brunch, we went home and got dinner ready. Jeanie and COby and the kids were coming over to have Thanksgiving dinner with us. It was nice and chill and not stressful at all since we all get along really well. The kids love each other and we all have a blast- which is what Thanksgiving should be.
At about 10PM, Josh and Coby went to Walmart to aquire some items we wanted on the black friday prices. I choose to not go to Walmart because I get very aggressive in situations where people aren't behaving properly. I do not approve of people grabbing stuff out of my cart of hand basket. It sets me off and I knew that especially at Walmart, I would probably get ina fight over stuff like that. I don'tdeal with people like that well. So, Josh went instead. He said it was absolutely insane and that he had no idea people would be like that. LOL!!! He said it was absolutely nuts and that people were trying to grab crap out of his basket and I guess some lady got thrown into a pallet full of stuff. I thought it was pretty funny but VERY glad I didn't go. He finally got home around 1:30AM.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Observation Week- Tumbling
I have very mixed feelings about this years tumbling II-III class. Tiffy likes the class and has a lot of fun with it. However, they've had some problems with teachers this year and so they have changed teachers several times. In addition to that, there are girls on many levels. There are girls in this class who can't even do sommersaults and then there are girls almost doing aerials and backtucks. So, the diversity in skill levels is great.
While I can appreciate the need to practice cartwheels and whatnot, I do NOT like that 1/2 the class is wasted on those when Tiffy realy needs to be working on her backhandsprings and her valdez's. I have tried talking to the teachers, but the response I got was very weak. This especially ticks me off. Sigh. The biggest problem, is that she hsa both valdez's and backhandsprings in her solo's and they are very critical of gymnastic's moves in the dances. If they aren't done properly, they get docked points for doing the move wrong. This of course, is completely stressing Tiff out, which in turn stresses me out a bit too. Like I need more stress in my life. LOL.
Anyway, this week,I got to come into class and really see what they are doing in class, which is fun, but it also really got me to see how much work they need to do on the individual levels and how much they really need a tumble III and IV. Here is Tiffy in the middle of some of her back handsprings. For those, who know the technique of them, you know that your legs should be together and not frogged apart as they are. So, that is one thing she is working on. Another thing is not leaning so far down so that she has more power to spring up.

While I can appreciate the need to practice cartwheels and whatnot, I do NOT like that 1/2 the class is wasted on those when Tiffy realy needs to be working on her backhandsprings and her valdez's. I have tried talking to the teachers, but the response I got was very weak. This especially ticks me off. Sigh. The biggest problem, is that she hsa both valdez's and backhandsprings in her solo's and they are very critical of gymnastic's moves in the dances. If they aren't done properly, they get docked points for doing the move wrong. This of course, is completely stressing Tiff out, which in turn stresses me out a bit too. Like I need more stress in my life. LOL.
Anyway, this week,I got to come into class and really see what they are doing in class, which is fun, but it also really got me to see how much work they need to do on the individual levels and how much they really need a tumble III and IV. Here is Tiffy in the middle of some of her back handsprings. For those, who know the technique of them, you know that your legs should be together and not frogged apart as they are. So, that is one thing she is working on. Another thing is not leaning so far down so that she has more power to spring up.
Observation Week- Lyrical
I got to come in for the last hour of her dance class since it was observation week. They worked on pirouette prep. Josh got to come to this one, so Tiff was happy bout that.
They worked on Pique's. They each get individual work in this class which I really like.
They worked on leaps.
They worked on their single and double pirouettes.
Then, they worked on their dance. Tiffy is at the very front, which I of course love. She is the best (from a technique standpoint) in the class and has great facials and is on count. All of which count for a LOT! Especially at competitions. Anyway, I love watching her.
Towards the end of their dance, Tiffy has a solo in their lyrical dance. Nothing major...just a double and a 4-point pique'. They are all doing floor work while she does her solo. The reason for that is becasue she is the only one in her class that can do them both and it adds a lot of point value to the dance. So, it is cool. Plus, it looks so great when they are all doing it.
At the end of practice, she made a pose while working on their attitude turns. LOL. My daughter...such a poser. :)
They worked on Pique's. They each get individual work in this class which I really like.
They worked on leaps.
They worked on their single and double pirouettes.
Then, they worked on their dance. Tiffy is at the very front, which I of course love. She is the best (from a technique standpoint) in the class and has great facials and is on count. All of which count for a LOT! Especially at competitions. Anyway, I love watching her.
Towards the end of their dance, Tiffy has a solo in their lyrical dance. Nothing major...just a double and a 4-point pique'. They are all doing floor work while she does her solo. The reason for that is becasue she is the only one in her class that can do them both and it adds a lot of point value to the dance. So, it is cool. Plus, it looks so great when they are all doing it.
At the end of practice, she made a pose while working on their attitude turns. LOL. My daughter...such a poser. :)
Observation week- Ballet
This week was observation week at dance. On ballet day, I got to come in and watch what they've been doing. Josh couldn't come since he had to work, and Tiffy was a bit upset about that, but oh well, what can ya do?
They first warmed up, and then ran thru their positions and worked on plies.
They worked on releve' and going on point as well.
Next, they worked pirouettes- Singles and doubles. Then, sautes'.

Then, they worked on leaps, tour je'tes, chaine's, and then they moved on to flexibility at the barre. While working on her tour je'tes, she was wearing her ballet slippers and slipped and fell. She got so mad. LOL. She took off her shoes and refused to wear them the rest of the time that she was working on her tour je'tes and leaps. She said that the material at the bottom of the slipper made her fall and she wasn't doing that again. Her reaction was kind of funny, in a not so funny way.
Tiffy and Taylor took a super cute pic at the end of class. They are like 2 peas in a pod and have been ever since they were 1 1/2. LOL.

It was a lot of fun to watch her.
They first warmed up, and then ran thru their positions and worked on plies.
They worked on releve' and going on point as well.
Then, they worked on leaps, tour je'tes, chaine's, and then they moved on to flexibility at the barre. While working on her tour je'tes, she was wearing her ballet slippers and slipped and fell. She got so mad. LOL. She took off her shoes and refused to wear them the rest of the time that she was working on her tour je'tes and leaps. She said that the material at the bottom of the slipper made her fall and she wasn't doing that again. Her reaction was kind of funny, in a not so funny way.
Tiffy and Taylor took a super cute pic at the end of class. They are like 2 peas in a pod and have been ever since they were 1 1/2. LOL.
It was a lot of fun to watch her.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Tiffy's Birthday Party
This year, we decided to keep Tiffy's party low key since we just went on vacation and wanted to save some money.So, she invited a couple friends to go watch a movie and then play some games and have a sleepover.
The girls came over at 3p and we fed them pizza and a Coldstone ice cream cake.

Tiffy opened her presents after that. She got a lot of cute things.

Josh was great enough to take the names and presents so I can write thank you cards.

We played a "who knows Tiffy best" game. After that, Aubrey had to go home since it was her sisters birthday. After that, we took the other girls to the movies. We saw the movie Megamind. The girls really liked it.
After that, we went home and got ready for the next game. It was a scavenger hunt called "bigger or better". We split up into teams of 2. I took Taylor S. and Taylor H. and Josh took Tiffy and Jaci. After half an hour, we were back at the house. Josh's team brought back a coffeemaker. Our team brought back a digital photo keychain and a x-mas blanket. It was a lot of funand the kids really liked the game.
After that, we went downstairs and played a game called "name that celebrity". I had tried to make it easy, but I think it was a little hard for the girls. Taylor H had to leave at that point because it was getting late and she had church in the morning.
After, we decided to play an ice cream game and see who could eat it the fastest without hands. LOL. It was pretty funny. Tiffy ended up winning first and neither Taylor or Jaci could finish theirs. It's fairly hard to eat without hands....especially ice cream. It was a fun game though and they enjoyed it.

We then did manicures and pedicures and makeovers including getting their hair done. They chilled and read magazanies and chatted while they got their stuff done.

After that, thegirls played on the Wii downstairs and played board games and did their own thing. Jaci and Taylor slept over. The girls all had so much fun and really enjoyed themselves. They went to bed super late.
The following morning, The girls didn't even stir till after 9Am. LOL! Josh made sausage and strawberry and banana crepes. It was pretty good.
All in turned out great!
The girls came over at 3p and we fed them pizza and a Coldstone ice cream cake.
Tiffy opened her presents after that. She got a lot of cute things.
Josh was great enough to take the names and presents so I can write thank you cards.
We played a "who knows Tiffy best" game. After that, Aubrey had to go home since it was her sisters birthday. After that, we took the other girls to the movies. We saw the movie Megamind. The girls really liked it.
After that, we went home and got ready for the next game. It was a scavenger hunt called "bigger or better". We split up into teams of 2. I took Taylor S. and Taylor H. and Josh took Tiffy and Jaci. After half an hour, we were back at the house. Josh's team brought back a coffeemaker. Our team brought back a digital photo keychain and a x-mas blanket. It was a lot of funand the kids really liked the game.
After that, we went downstairs and played a game called "name that celebrity". I had tried to make it easy, but I think it was a little hard for the girls. Taylor H had to leave at that point because it was getting late and she had church in the morning.
After, we decided to play an ice cream game and see who could eat it the fastest without hands. LOL. It was pretty funny. Tiffy ended up winning first and neither Taylor or Jaci could finish theirs. It's fairly hard to eat without hands....especially ice cream. It was a fun game though and they enjoyed it.
We then did manicures and pedicures and makeovers including getting their hair done. They chilled and read magazanies and chatted while they got their stuff done.
After that, thegirls played on the Wii downstairs and played board games and did their own thing. Jaci and Taylor slept over. The girls all had so much fun and really enjoyed themselves. They went to bed super late.
The following morning, The girls didn't even stir till after 9Am. LOL! Josh made sausage and strawberry and banana crepes. It was pretty good.
All in turned out great!
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