We kept ourselves entertained with our 2-way radio's. We made up names for each other; Josh and I made them up for Angela and Alton and vice versa. Alton was named the "Angry Asian" and Angela was "Peaches and Cream." I was named "Peggy Bundy"(though I don't know why or how that came up), and Josh's was never made up for sure. They gave him the name "Jimmy Neutron" later. Something about all of his gadgets.

There was this point where we went down a hill and Tiffy was laughing so hard and having fun pretending it was a roller coaster that we just had to take a picture.

While we were stopped we had the opportunity to see a pack of sheep and a ram. It was cool.

I was hot and bored. So, at one point while we were waiting for traffic, I stuck my feet out the window and Josh thought it would be funny to take a picture.

What should have been a 2.5 hour drive turned into a 4 hour drive. Overall, it was fine though. We got to camp and picked out our spot by about 7 PM. Luckily we got a really good spot.
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