Friday, the 26th Angela, Lesley, Tiffany and I went to go see the Body Works Exhibit at the Leonardo (which is the old Salt Lake library). It was a lot of fun but the exhibit was really long. I couldn't believe it. We got there just before 2P and went in to the exhibit. After a little while of looking and listening to the things, I looked at the time and realized that we had been there for 2 hours and 45 minutes already, The time had flown by and we weren't even done yet. The exhibits were done amazingly well and most of the pieces were in excellent condition. The things that I thought was the coolest was the diaphragm. It was in EXCELLENT condition. I had never seen one in such great condition that wasn't cut or in bad condition. it was very interesting to see how it lay in the body. It's one thing to "know" how it goes, it's a whole other thing to actually see it. Anyway, it was a great exhibit and I was really glad that I had won tickets and that we were all able to go. I would greatly recommend the exhibit to anyone- even kids. It is very interesting and very well done. Its like walking into an anatomy book. LOL!
The only part that sucked is that the weather was crappy and so it was 7:30P by the time we got home. Nuts!
Our little family is the most important thing to us. No matter what we have to go through in life, we will find a way to deal with it as long as we have each other. “Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”~Franklin P. Jones
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Day
Christmas Day we were woken up by Tiffy who wanted to open presents. She had noticed that Santa had come and left presents for us. So, we got up and did the stockings. I made orange rolls to eat while we opened the presents.
Tiffy was really excited that she had gotten tic tacs, earbuds, candy, the new Taylor Swift CD, a Little Pet Shop stylus for the DS, Nintendo DS games and a Baby Alive from Santa. She was really bummed that he didn't bring her a Nintendo DS, but she tried not to freak out. I reminded her that perhas Santa knows things that we don't. So, she was okay to open other presents at that point.

Once we had opened all of our presents, Tiffy found out that Josh and I had gotten her a Nintendo DS (a pink one) for her for x-mas. She was so excited and it was worth all the stress we'd had over how to afford such an expensive item for her. She got some clothes and books and toys, but the DS remained her "most favorite present". The Baby Alive was a close second. lol!
After presents and breakfast, we got ready and went over to my dad and Lonnies house to do presents with them and my siblings. I had made John and Crystal albums of pictures from when they were kids. I gave my parents some pictures in aa frame of Tiffy and I gave Brian a bottle of rum. lol. My parents gave Josh and I some nice throws, a new flannel sheet set, and a nice coffee table book. Tiffany got some stuffed animals with a book. Once I had brought my presents for my siblings out, my dad got all ornery and so Josh and I decided it was time to go. We didn't feel the need to deal with his drama that day.
So, Crystal, Tiffy, Josh and I went to go see a movie. We decided on The Spirit. The movie had some big name actors and I really expected more from it. However, the plot was barely there and it was not very entertaining. It was so boring, I actually fell asleep for a few minutes. I can't even remember the last time I fell asleep in a movie theatre.
When we got home, we were all pretty tired. So, we just hung out and chilled.
Tiffy was really excited that she had gotten tic tacs, earbuds, candy, the new Taylor Swift CD, a Little Pet Shop stylus for the DS, Nintendo DS games and a Baby Alive from Santa. She was really bummed that he didn't bring her a Nintendo DS, but she tried not to freak out. I reminded her that perhas Santa knows things that we don't. So, she was okay to open other presents at that point.

Once we had opened all of our presents, Tiffy found out that Josh and I had gotten her a Nintendo DS (a pink one) for her for x-mas. She was so excited and it was worth all the stress we'd had over how to afford such an expensive item for her. She got some clothes and books and toys, but the DS remained her "most favorite present". The Baby Alive was a close second. lol!
After presents and breakfast, we got ready and went over to my dad and Lonnies house to do presents with them and my siblings. I had made John and Crystal albums of pictures from when they were kids. I gave my parents some pictures in aa frame of Tiffy and I gave Brian a bottle of rum. lol. My parents gave Josh and I some nice throws, a new flannel sheet set, and a nice coffee table book. Tiffany got some stuffed animals with a book. Once I had brought my presents for my siblings out, my dad got all ornery and so Josh and I decided it was time to go. We didn't feel the need to deal with his drama that day.
So, Crystal, Tiffy, Josh and I went to go see a movie. We decided on The Spirit. The movie had some big name actors and I really expected more from it. However, the plot was barely there and it was not very entertaining. It was so boring, I actually fell asleep for a few minutes. I can't even remember the last time I fell asleep in a movie theatre.
When we got home, we were all pretty tired. So, we just hung out and chilled.
X-mas week
The holidays have ben a crazy time for all of us. However, at josh's work, they have ben slow...up until this week. They got slammed and so as a result,Josh ended up having to work long hours. Other than the fact that it suks, this would not normally be a big issue. However, Tiffy has been off of school since last Friday and I have been off work since midday on it kind of sucked. Sigh!
Anyway, I got off work early Tuesday and went over to Angela's to do some holiday baking. We made rice krispie treats, pumpkin rolls and rum balls. I had to go to the store before going over, and found out that x-mas is the black friday of supermarkets and baking. It was nuts. Took me over 2 hours to get some basic grocery shopping done with supplies that I needed to be able to do the baking (I hadn't really planned on baking until the last minute, so I didn't have the supplies I needed). Angela had already been baking for a while and had goten a couple other things completed. I ended up going home with 2 pumpkin rolls, 32 rum balls, a big sheet of rice krispies, and some fudge Angela had made. Yum!
Wednesday was Christmas Eve and we wanted to play it pretty chill. I had won tickets to the ballet (The Nucracker) so Tff and I were going to go see that, but other than some errands...nothing...yes! We went to the ballet and had so much fun. They had a special performance for the holiday and had changed some things in the ballet. Some things were simple and perhaps some people didn't notice the tango that went on between the ballerina doll and the toy bear, but they surely couldn't miss the Waldo that popped in and out of different scenes, the scarf and snow hat on the snow king and queen, the big mouse that kept crossing the stage at od intervals, the score cards that Clara and the prince put up as a score after each dance, and the bumblebee dancer that should have been a sugar plum fairy. It was all very funny and yet retained a sense of classicality that I love in ballet peformances. At the end, it was Santa that took Clara off stage instead of the prince. It was a lot of fun that tiffy and i had. We checked out the items for sale afterwards and ended up buying a cute snow queen outfit ornament.
When Josh got home that night, we were all realy tired and instead of having a nice sitdown meal like we had originally planned, we decided to make mini veggie burgers instead. lol! Tiffy and I made chocolate chip cookies for Santa while had cooked dinner.

After dinner, the three of us decided to make our own gingerbread house (Josh's mom Helene had sent us a kit). So, we made the house our style...

I wasn't feeling well at that point and so we put Tiffy to bed and finished up wrapping the last presents and then sat down on our bed to watch a holiday special on TV. I fell asleep to that.
Anyway, I got off work early Tuesday and went over to Angela's to do some holiday baking. We made rice krispie treats, pumpkin rolls and rum balls. I had to go to the store before going over, and found out that x-mas is the black friday of supermarkets and baking. It was nuts. Took me over 2 hours to get some basic grocery shopping done with supplies that I needed to be able to do the baking (I hadn't really planned on baking until the last minute, so I didn't have the supplies I needed). Angela had already been baking for a while and had goten a couple other things completed. I ended up going home with 2 pumpkin rolls, 32 rum balls, a big sheet of rice krispies, and some fudge Angela had made. Yum!
Wednesday was Christmas Eve and we wanted to play it pretty chill. I had won tickets to the ballet (The Nucracker) so Tff and I were going to go see that, but other than some errands...nothing...yes! We went to the ballet and had so much fun. They had a special performance for the holiday and had changed some things in the ballet. Some things were simple and perhaps some people didn't notice the tango that went on between the ballerina doll and the toy bear, but they surely couldn't miss the Waldo that popped in and out of different scenes, the scarf and snow hat on the snow king and queen, the big mouse that kept crossing the stage at od intervals, the score cards that Clara and the prince put up as a score after each dance, and the bumblebee dancer that should have been a sugar plum fairy. It was all very funny and yet retained a sense of classicality that I love in ballet peformances. At the end, it was Santa that took Clara off stage instead of the prince. It was a lot of fun that tiffy and i had. We checked out the items for sale afterwards and ended up buying a cute snow queen outfit ornament.
When Josh got home that night, we were all realy tired and instead of having a nice sitdown meal like we had originally planned, we decided to make mini veggie burgers instead. lol! Tiffy and I made chocolate chip cookies for Santa while had cooked dinner.

After dinner, the three of us decided to make our own gingerbread house (Josh's mom Helene had sent us a kit). So, we made the house our style...

I wasn't feeling well at that point and so we put Tiffy to bed and finished up wrapping the last presents and then sat down on our bed to watch a holiday special on TV. I fell asleep to that.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Snow, Snow and more Snow
We live right next to the mountain and we usually get hit with the lake effect as well. So, when it rains, it pours and when it snows, it dumps!
We had a storm pass by this week and it dumped in just a few hours. Snow halfway up to my freaking knees. As long as I don't have to go anywhere, it's fie and very pretty. it just becomes a pain when we have to go anywhere. luckily, we have an awesome SUV (a Jeep Commander) that handles great in the snow.

We had a storm pass by this week and it dumped in just a few hours. Snow halfway up to my freaking knees. As long as I don't have to go anywhere, it's fie and very pretty. it just becomes a pain when we have to go anywhere. luckily, we have an awesome SUV (a Jeep Commander) that handles great in the snow.

I've had a string of bad luck lately: personally and work related. I've been worrying that maybe I have done something wrong that warranted these actions. That is, after all, how karma works. Thing is, I work really hard to be a good person and I try to live the golden rule as much as I can (where I behave the way i want others to treat me).
A few weeks ago, I went online to FM100's website and entered a contest to win Nutcracker tickets. I had totally forgotten about it when I got a text from my friend Julie who said that our friend Clark had heard my name on the radio to win the tickets, but he wasn't sure what station it was on. So, at that point, I called the radio station to see if my name was on the list, but they didn't have anything listed but said to call back the next day. The next day when I got to work, I had a mesage from the DJ saying that I won the tickets. I was so excited as I love, love, love the Nutcracker and so does Tiffy. We have been wanting to go, but haven't had the money to buy tickets for the show. I redeemed the tickets for the X-Mas eve show at 12P. We are so excited. Josh has to work that day, so it's a perfect day for us to go.
A few days later, I was listening to KBULL93 and they were talking about office gossip and asking for people to call in and get prizes if you win with the juiciest gossip. Now, I work in a hotel and there is all sorts of juicy gossip. So, I caled in with a story that happened a few years ago about a guy we had to fire. I explained very briefly why without giving any specifics on who, what, when, where but I did state the why. Anyway, the DJ kind of teased me about googling office scandals. i assured him, that was not the case, but it was pretty funny. Anyway, he called me back the next day at work and told me he had used my story that day and that I had won. Yea!I was so excited. I won tickets to the Body Works Exhibit at the Leonardo which I have been wanting to go to since it got here 2 months ago. I went the next day to go pick up the tickets and it turns out that I actually won 4 tickets and not 2. An even bigger Yea! Sweetums!!! I was so excited. I decided that i'm going to take my friend Angela and my friend Lesley and Tiffany.
At the holiday party, I did win a prize for a night stay as well. So, my luck has been pretty good in some ways. It makes me think that perhaps karma is not atacking me. The theory is that things happen- both good and bad- and they are not always related to karma. However, sometimes things that do hapen are because of karma. So, in theory, I would be geting given good karma to show me that I am still a good person and it is a way of balacing out all the bad crap that has been happening to me lately. I don't know that I completely believe that, but it is a nice theory to think about.
A few weeks ago, I went online to FM100's website and entered a contest to win Nutcracker tickets. I had totally forgotten about it when I got a text from my friend Julie who said that our friend Clark had heard my name on the radio to win the tickets, but he wasn't sure what station it was on. So, at that point, I called the radio station to see if my name was on the list, but they didn't have anything listed but said to call back the next day. The next day when I got to work, I had a mesage from the DJ saying that I won the tickets. I was so excited as I love, love, love the Nutcracker and so does Tiffy. We have been wanting to go, but haven't had the money to buy tickets for the show. I redeemed the tickets for the X-Mas eve show at 12P. We are so excited. Josh has to work that day, so it's a perfect day for us to go.
A few days later, I was listening to KBULL93 and they were talking about office gossip and asking for people to call in and get prizes if you win with the juiciest gossip. Now, I work in a hotel and there is all sorts of juicy gossip. So, I caled in with a story that happened a few years ago about a guy we had to fire. I explained very briefly why without giving any specifics on who, what, when, where but I did state the why. Anyway, the DJ kind of teased me about googling office scandals. i assured him, that was not the case, but it was pretty funny. Anyway, he called me back the next day at work and told me he had used my story that day and that I had won. Yea!I was so excited. I won tickets to the Body Works Exhibit at the Leonardo which I have been wanting to go to since it got here 2 months ago. I went the next day to go pick up the tickets and it turns out that I actually won 4 tickets and not 2. An even bigger Yea! Sweetums!!! I was so excited. I decided that i'm going to take my friend Angela and my friend Lesley and Tiffany.
At the holiday party, I did win a prize for a night stay as well. So, my luck has been pretty good in some ways. It makes me think that perhaps karma is not atacking me. The theory is that things happen- both good and bad- and they are not always related to karma. However, sometimes things that do hapen are because of karma. So, in theory, I would be geting given good karma to show me that I am still a good person and it is a way of balacing out all the bad crap that has been happening to me lately. I don't know that I completely believe that, but it is a nice theory to think about.
Holiday Parties
The same night as the childrens holiday party, I had a couple other things to do. Right after we got home, I had to go meet my friends kenny and Gary for our uearly holiday drink. Usually, we go during the week sometime, but I've been so busy with school and work and finals and dance that I've had literally no time. So, I met them at 4P. At 5P, i had to leave to go get ready for Josh's work's holiday party being thrown by Casey at her house. It ended up being nice, but with a ton of food. It also went late and finally I was like :I'm sorry, we have to go.: So, we sort of prom[ted people to start leaving.
The next day, Josh said that Casey thought I was hillarious. Apparently she was under the misconception that I am a very serious person. I supose I have my moments, but for the most part, I try to be an upbeat optimistic person. I do not always suceed, but I do try. :)
On Wednesday, 12/17/08, we had my adult holiday party to go to. I had called and set up Ally to babysit for us. She was supposed to be at our house at 5PM, but by 5:20 and no Ally, I called her at home. She answered and said "oh! No I can't come tonight." I was really upset and couldn't say a lot to her since I had to be at my party in 40 minutes and now had to find a new babysitter on a Wednesday. All I realy said was that I would have really appreciated a call beforehand so that i could plan ahead. I was really upset and called everyone I could think of, but even my alternates were all busy or gone. I called Angela just to briefly vent about how upset I was about Ally before Angela went to Young Womens, and she just told me to bring her over. It was totally unexpected and very appreciated- so NOT what had been calling for, but regardless, needed. I took Tiffany over and Angela and Alton fed her dinner and watched overnight for us.
I got to the party, and we first took pictures, had some appetizers, then went in the ballroom for dinner. We all socialized and are dinner. Then they alternated between dancing and doling out prizes. We had trips to Midway, Provo, Layton, Neil Diamond Tickets and etc that were given out. My friend Julie won the tckets to Midway for a night stay. All in all, we had a lot of fun. I was so tired when I got home, I crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow.
The next day, Josh said that Casey thought I was hillarious. Apparently she was under the misconception that I am a very serious person. I supose I have my moments, but for the most part, I try to be an upbeat optimistic person. I do not always suceed, but I do try. :)
On Wednesday, 12/17/08, we had my adult holiday party to go to. I had called and set up Ally to babysit for us. She was supposed to be at our house at 5PM, but by 5:20 and no Ally, I called her at home. She answered and said "oh! No I can't come tonight." I was really upset and couldn't say a lot to her since I had to be at my party in 40 minutes and now had to find a new babysitter on a Wednesday. All I realy said was that I would have really appreciated a call beforehand so that i could plan ahead. I was really upset and called everyone I could think of, but even my alternates were all busy or gone. I called Angela just to briefly vent about how upset I was about Ally before Angela went to Young Womens, and she just told me to bring her over. It was totally unexpected and very appreciated- so NOT what had been calling for, but regardless, needed. I took Tiffany over and Angela and Alton fed her dinner and watched overnight for us.
I got to the party, and we first took pictures, had some appetizers, then went in the ballroom for dinner. We all socialized and are dinner. Then they alternated between dancing and doling out prizes. We had trips to Midway, Provo, Layton, Neil Diamond Tickets and etc that were given out. My friend Julie won the tckets to Midway for a night stay. All in all, we had a lot of fun. I was so tired when I got home, I crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow.
KIds Holiday Party
Every year around the holidays, my work throws a couple of holiday parties: one for the children an one for the adults. The children's party this year was on Sunday,12/14/08. Usually we only take Tiff to the party. However, I asked Angela and Alton if the Taylor and Jayden could go to the party with us. They said yes. So, off all 5 of us went.
The kids had a really good time. When we first got there, they had popcorn an coloring until the food was ready. So, the kids did that for a few minutes.

After that, Santa showed up. So, we decided to go see him before we ate so the line wouldn't be too bad. They all went up and gave him their letters (that they had written previously) and told him what they wanted for Christmas. They all seemed a little nervous yet excited at the same time.

After that, we all had some food and then the kids did some dancing.

We went from dancing, to making snowman door hangers. I helped Taylor and Jayden and josh helped Tiffany with hers.

We then decorated some sugar cookies. While we ate them, we took some pictures.

All in all, we had a good time.
The kids had a really good time. When we first got there, they had popcorn an coloring until the food was ready. So, the kids did that for a few minutes.

After that, Santa showed up. So, we decided to go see him before we ate so the line wouldn't be too bad. They all went up and gave him their letters (that they had written previously) and told him what they wanted for Christmas. They all seemed a little nervous yet excited at the same time.

After that, we all had some food and then the kids did some dancing.

We went from dancing, to making snowman door hangers. I helped Taylor and Jayden and josh helped Tiffany with hers.

We then decorated some sugar cookies. While we ate them, we took some pictures.

All in all, we had a good time.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Fonda's funeral
I went to Fonda's (Catie's Grandma) funeral tuesday. It was really sad. I remember when Josh and I were first together she let us stay in her house and was there for us when our parents weren't. That was both a hard time and a good time of life. It was interesting to think back to that period of time in my life. Josh wanted to come but couldn't get off of work and so wasn't able to come. He was annoyed at that...but what can you do?
Going to funeral's always makes me think about my life and what really is important to me. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what I drive, or who likes me. What does matter is if I made a difference in someone's life. I like to think that I have.
Going to funeral's always makes me think about my life and what really is important to me. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what I drive, or who likes me. What does matter is if I made a difference in someone's life. I like to think that I have.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
John and Patty's Wedding Reception
John is my youngest brother. He is the 3rd in the family and the one right below Brian. he has always been the baby boy of the family in a lot of ways. So, to see him getting married is so strange in many ways. I adore Patty though and its great to see them together. In many ways they are even more different than Josh and I are. At the same time though, you can see how in love they are. It's refreshing that in this day and age where so many people are getting divorced, that they are so happy.

As family, we got to wear The little girls got a bouquet of flowers that they of course loved since it made them feel so very special.

My brother Brian, the Bors, and my step sister Cheryl and her family showed up. It was nice to see everyone again. We all had a lot of fun. They had dancing and lots of conversation...

As family, we got to wear The little girls got a bouquet of flowers that they of course loved since it made them feel so very special.

My brother Brian, the Bors, and my step sister Cheryl and her family showed up. It was nice to see everyone again. We all had a lot of fun. They had dancing and lots of conversation...

Black Friday Shopping Madness
Every year, I take the day off on PTO on the day after Thanksgiving- the day that is known as Black Friday. I know that it strikes fear in many people and there are even more people who refuse to shop at all on that day. I, however, love that day. I love the sales and the going to what seems like a million different stores. I love getting great things at awesome prices. To me, that is worth etting up at 3 AM and leaving your house before the crack of dawn to et those deals. This year, since Josh is a manager, he had to work all day. So, I asked him to come shopping with me before he and to go to work. He agreed to go with us. I also usually get a babysitter for my daughter since it can be hard on kids to run around shopping. However, since she is 7, I figured she would be old enough to last the shopping and we can make it a tradition of sorts.
So, at 4 AM, off we went. We started of at Lowes where the line was over 1 hr long. Josh went straightaway to go stand in line while I thopped. Then, I took Tiffy shopping, then we came back and I stood in line while Josh took Tiffy shopping and then he brought her back to do some shopping of his own. All in all, we were in line for 1hr20mins in that store. We got a lot of good things though. We then, went into Salt Lake to o to Circuit City. The store was jammed but the lines were non-existent which was great. At that point, we went to Old Navy in Sugarhouse to do some more shopping. Once we were done there, Josh had to go to work. So, Tiffy and I moved on to the Gateway to do some shopping. Around 9AM, we took a 1/2 hr break to relax a bit and then we were off moving again. It was arooud 2 PM when I was ready to leave the mall. Tiffy, however, was still ready to keep going. It really cracked me up how much she is like me in the sense that shopping gives her energy instead of drains her.
We decided to go get my rins cleaned and see if Josh would be ready to take a lunch break. Once everything was cleaned, plated and polished, he was ready to go. We went to lunch at Fazoli's and then brought him back to work. We went back to the house to take a short nap before John's wedding reception later that night.
It was a lot of fun to go shopping with Tiffy. I rarely get to take her because its just not effective to come allthe way out and then come back into town to shop. So, it was fun to be able to take her at least once during the season.
So, at 4 AM, off we went. We started of at Lowes where the line was over 1 hr long. Josh went straightaway to go stand in line while I thopped. Then, I took Tiffy shopping, then we came back and I stood in line while Josh took Tiffy shopping and then he brought her back to do some shopping of his own. All in all, we were in line for 1hr20mins in that store. We got a lot of good things though. We then, went into Salt Lake to o to Circuit City. The store was jammed but the lines were non-existent which was great. At that point, we went to Old Navy in Sugarhouse to do some more shopping. Once we were done there, Josh had to go to work. So, Tiffy and I moved on to the Gateway to do some shopping. Around 9AM, we took a 1/2 hr break to relax a bit and then we were off moving again. It was arooud 2 PM when I was ready to leave the mall. Tiffy, however, was still ready to keep going. It really cracked me up how much she is like me in the sense that shopping gives her energy instead of drains her.
We decided to go get my rins cleaned and see if Josh would be ready to take a lunch break. Once everything was cleaned, plated and polished, he was ready to go. We went to lunch at Fazoli's and then brought him back to work. We went back to the house to take a short nap before John's wedding reception later that night.
It was a lot of fun to go shopping with Tiffy. I rarely get to take her because its just not effective to come allthe way out and then come back into town to shop. So, it was fun to be able to take her at least once during the season.
I like Thanksgiving and all that it entails. I like that family and friends get together and have fun and socialize. To me, it is a time to remember why we make those bonds that we call family. This year, as always, Thanksgiving was at my house. We cook all the main inredients and everyone else brings sides. It keeps it simple and easy.
I got a call around 10 AM that morning from my dad who said my brother Brian might be coming. I didn't really expect him to come because I know how he can be with family and gatherings, but I did hope that he would come regardless. He was the fist to arrive and even though I haven't seen him in almost 2 years, it was really nice to see him. It's nice to see what he's been up to even though its not usually good news. On the flip side, it's hard to see someone you love so much having such a hard time. I really hope things can work out for him. He has so much potential and is a good person deep down, but is having a rough time and has had some tough breaks.
Anyway, once everyone got here we got down to eating. :)

Thanksiving reminds me that we should be thankful for our friends, family and the opportunity to work and be healthy which some people do not have. We should be glad to live in a country where we have a democracy and are not oppressed as so many other people in the world are. Even though I would never join the army or military, I am glad that there are people out there (like my brother John in the Marines or my brother-in-law Isaac in the Air Force and some of my other friends) who will put their lives at risk to protect their country. I, most of all, am thankful for my husband and daughter. Tiffany is a ray of sunshine to me and she is a constant reminder that if you try hard enough and want something bad enough, you can have it. Also, she is one of the most caring people I have ever met and I love that she has sucha big heart. She is one of the people who have had a hue impact on my life and the person that I am today. Josh is my best friend and I am thankful that he is in my life. He is a good guy and truly cares about others more than himself. He can be extremely caring and selfless at times and tries daily to show that in all his actions. I can't imagine my life without himin it. I think of Josh and Tiffy and I just have to smile.
I got a call around 10 AM that morning from my dad who said my brother Brian might be coming. I didn't really expect him to come because I know how he can be with family and gatherings, but I did hope that he would come regardless. He was the fist to arrive and even though I haven't seen him in almost 2 years, it was really nice to see him. It's nice to see what he's been up to even though its not usually good news. On the flip side, it's hard to see someone you love so much having such a hard time. I really hope things can work out for him. He has so much potential and is a good person deep down, but is having a rough time and has had some tough breaks.
Anyway, once everyone got here we got down to eating. :)

Thanksiving reminds me that we should be thankful for our friends, family and the opportunity to work and be healthy which some people do not have. We should be glad to live in a country where we have a democracy and are not oppressed as so many other people in the world are. Even though I would never join the army or military, I am glad that there are people out there (like my brother John in the Marines or my brother-in-law Isaac in the Air Force and some of my other friends) who will put their lives at risk to protect their country. I, most of all, am thankful for my husband and daughter. Tiffany is a ray of sunshine to me and she is a constant reminder that if you try hard enough and want something bad enough, you can have it. Also, she is one of the most caring people I have ever met and I love that she has sucha big heart. She is one of the people who have had a hue impact on my life and the person that I am today. Josh is my best friend and I am thankful that he is in my life. He is a good guy and truly cares about others more than himself. He can be extremely caring and selfless at times and tries daily to show that in all his actions. I can't imagine my life without himin it. I think of Josh and Tiffy and I just have to smile.
Putting up the Decorations
This year Tiffany, Jayden and Taylor helped Josh and I put up the tree sans lihts and decorations. Then, just before Thanksgiving, Tify, Josh and I put the lights on the tree. Then, a little later, Josh and I put the decorations on the tree. I'm so OCD with my tree that it usualy ends up being one of 2 things: 1)me looking at the tree and telling them where I want the decoration put exactly or 2) them puting decorations on and me going through after they put it on and rearranging it to my liking. lol. However, this year it was late when we were oing to do the decoratons and Tiff had to go to bed, so we did them without her this year. I left her the star since that is her tradition with Josh. So, the following morning, she gets up and runs out to make sure the star wasn't done yet. I laughed.

She always gets excited to do the star, more than any other part. So, I make sure to leave that to her. In the end, the tree turned out pretty.

She always gets excited to do the star, more than any other part. So, I make sure to leave that to her. In the end, the tree turned out pretty.

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Kids have no clue sometimes...
I had to go to the DMV yesterday to register my Jeep. So, we get there and are paying and whatnot and the girl at the counter looks at Tiffany and says, "you are a very pretty girl!" So, what does Tiffy say in return? Not "thank you" or anything like that. No. She says, "yes, everybody says that." And I'm standing there going "Oh My Gosh!" in my head. I had to sort of laugh cause its funny in a way, but so not in another. So, as we're walking out, she turns to me and says, "how come everyone says that?" . So, we had to have a conversation about things people say and how to react and what not to say and how the appropriate response is "Thank you."
I forget sometimes how blunt children are and can be. They haven't learned tact yet. I remember being asked things that I know that people wanted a certain response but since I was taught not to lie, I gave them the absolute blunt truth and then they would get mad at me for the answers they got. Its hard to be mad, because tact is not the easiest thing to learn. I suppose only time can really teach it. Either way, I thought it was kind of a funny story.
I forget sometimes how blunt children are and can be. They haven't learned tact yet. I remember being asked things that I know that people wanted a certain response but since I was taught not to lie, I gave them the absolute blunt truth and then they would get mad at me for the answers they got. Its hard to be mad, because tact is not the easiest thing to learn. I suppose only time can really teach it. Either way, I thought it was kind of a funny story.
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