Tiffy was really excited that she had gotten tic tacs, earbuds, candy, the new Taylor Swift CD, a Little Pet Shop stylus for the DS, Nintendo DS games and a Baby Alive from Santa. She was really bummed that he didn't bring her a Nintendo DS, but she tried not to freak out. I reminded her that perhas Santa knows things that we don't. So, she was okay to open other presents at that point.

Once we had opened all of our presents, Tiffy found out that Josh and I had gotten her a Nintendo DS (a pink one) for her for x-mas. She was so excited and it was worth all the stress we'd had over how to afford such an expensive item for her. She got some clothes and books and toys, but the DS remained her "most favorite present". The Baby Alive was a close second. lol!
After presents and breakfast, we got ready and went over to my dad and Lonnies house to do presents with them and my siblings. I had made John and Crystal albums of pictures from when they were kids. I gave my parents some pictures in aa frame of Tiffy and I gave Brian a bottle of rum. lol. My parents gave Josh and I some nice throws, a new flannel sheet set, and a nice coffee table book. Tiffany got some stuffed animals with a book. Once I had brought my presents for my siblings out, my dad got all ornery and so Josh and I decided it was time to go. We didn't feel the need to deal with his drama that day.
So, Crystal, Tiffy, Josh and I went to go see a movie. We decided on The Spirit. The movie had some big name actors and I really expected more from it. However, the plot was barely there and it was not very entertaining. It was so boring, I actually fell asleep for a few minutes. I can't even remember the last time I fell asleep in a movie theatre.
When we got home, we were all pretty tired. So, we just hung out and chilled.
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