The girls had a blast! We saw the show "Black Holes" in the space dome, and did a lot of the free activities they had, and got to check out everything they had at the planetarium. They "fished", they wrote down thig=ngs that you can do to help the environment and then posted it on the "board", they got tatoos. The girls were too funny to watch.
There was this spot where you could see what Mars and the Moon look like. So, the girls being the camera friendly people they are just "had to take pics."

They thought the space suit man as really cool.

They had fun playing weather forecasters.

They had fun checking out the telescopes and playing with this turning game. You turn the knobby thing and you generate electricity to power different wattage type bulbs. They played there for quite a while until their arms were "soooo tired." lol.

All in all, a fun time.
After the planetarium, we came home to chill. Later that night, we made dinner and watched movies as a family. Nothing big, but chilled. Sometimes that can be really nice.