We got up that morning and had to be at ractive by 9:45A. Maddie came over a little earlier so that Tamra could go to a meeting and so I could take her with us. The girls were funny trying to entertain themselves.

The girls were all sitting on the ledge and it just made me crack up! They were so cute in line waiting to go on stage I just had to take a pic.

After rehearsal, we went to Panda Express for lunch. It was funny cause we got some weird looks since Tiffy's makeup was still on- and man was it bright! lol!
We had to be back at the school by 5P. When we got there she had to warm up and we took a couple quick pics.

While we were waiting to go on, the girls entertained themselves by chatting and playing with Tiff's Nintendo DS. I love how well behaved Tiffy can be sometimes. It reminds me that she is a good girl.

When it was time to go on, they all lined up. They were so cute!

Of course, Tiffy's friend ran over to wish her good luck. I really like that so many of the older girls are supportive of the younger ones. It's nice.

After the girls were done dancing, they were excited they did a good job and of course had to take a goofy picture.

I like to see Tiffy's recitals. It makes me proud to see how well she does after all the hard work and hours that she has put into learning her dances. Its something that she enjoys and I enjoy watching her.
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