We got there around 10:45 AM, and waited for a few minutes (our appointment wasn't till 11 A- but you have to be early in this industry to be taken seriously). I brought Tiffy with no makeup but with hair washed and blow dried as requested. She had been cut off from sugar, carbonation and sodium for the 3 days prior to the shoot for the best coloring possible.

They were impressed with how much I had brought and were happy to see they had lots to choose from. I didn't think I had gone above and beyond. I had brought everything they asked me to bring- A minimum of 5 character outfits with a couple choices on each one and all the accessories and props to go with it.

She then moved on to get styled for the first shoot which was going to be an outdoor location which tends to be a big hit with kid portfolios. The stylist was good and worked well with her.

At the outdoor shoot, she did very well- she was fluid, high energy and helped the process along without a problem. She also listened well, which is always a big plus from the photographers perspective. They said that if there was ever a kid meant to be a model, it was her. I couldn't help but smile at that. She had a lot of fun with that portion of the shoot. The stylist was good and was very hands on during the whole thing ensuring that she looked her best at all times.

After the outdoor shoot, we went back inside to get her styled for a dance/sportsy pose which we ended up doing a very 80's theme and used her "Mickey" costume. Very cute. She had a bit of a harder time with this one because she was getting hundry at this point, and had to redo a lot of the actions so that the photographer could get the right angle in action form. Tiffy, like Josh, is hypoglycemic and has a hard time when they don't eat. We took a short break and I talked with her about the importance of staying happy and positive while working. She ate while we talked and was in a much better spot shortly after.

We then moved on to a slumber party theme shoot. It turned out way cute and only took about 15 minutes- very fast.

After that, we did the head shot, 3/4 shots and were done. The photographer and stylist said they had to give me an A++ for being the most prepared parents ever. I took that as a compliment. They also said she was a complete natural at this and was set ready. That is great to hear as well. By the time we left, it was 2 PM and we were all starving and exhausted. All in all a good day though.
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