It usually goes something like this, get up early on Friday and pack making sure you do not miss a singe thing because you can't pack if you do. Rush to get to the hotel early so you can rush to get ready and then rush to compete. After that, you can go to dinner. Then you have to come back for a LATE awards ceremony which typically doesn't start until at least 9:30PM. You get out of the school around 11PM. You can then go back to the hotel where you try to get some sleep. You get up the next day about 4 AM. Get ready, eat some b-fast, grab the things you need for the day and then run to the school (all before 7AMish). At the school, you are either practicing (yourself or witht the girls), performing (or watching them perform), or are cheering the other girls from your studio on. Then, no matter what time you perform at, you must attend TWO different awards ceremonies- the first one being irrelevant to you personally since you don't get your awards then but the mini's do so you must be there. Your awards are after EVERYONE else has performed and are usually anywhere between 7P-12A. You can leave after the final awards ceremony. By that time, you usually are so tired, you could fall asleep standing up.
For the most part, that's how our competitions go and when they are back to back with no weekends in between, it makes it especially hard. Then in between, during the week, we of course all have work, school and etc. Makes for challenging times.
This last weekend, we had our 3rd competition of the season at Hunter High School. It was weird being back there since I haven't been at Hunter since a football game about 11 years ago when I went with Catie. LOL!
Tiffany had her solo competition on Friday and she performed at 4:30PM. It was a really crazy busy day, but we found a empty hall and practiced and then I took her on about 15 minutes before she was set to perform so she could get back stage. She performed on the gym floor again and did a great job. She was so cute and everyone loved her. She had people from other studios cheering for her (which usually doesn't happen). Especially since its hard to pull people in since she is such a small girl in such a LARGE gym. Might as well get used to it though cause for Nationals she is in the BIG ARENA at UVU. Yikes!

We had awards ceremony at 10:15 PM and Tiffany took Queen! Woohoo!!! The poor girls were so tired, that they were super mellow, but they did awesome. Sammy and Tiffy took queen and the other girls ranged between 2nd and 4th places in their categories.

When I got ther judgees comment sheets yesterday, I realized we were jipped 1.5 pts for nothing. 1 pt was taken off but the judge didn't list why. She said good job and didn't note any reason for it. Then, the same dumb judge docked her .5 pts because she said Tiff knew her dance too well and that she could be in the harder category. Riduculous! Tiff was 6.25 pts off from a perfect score..but oh well! Makes me wonder how close she came to getting the high point award. We will work on the few things we got and will try to get High Point this time at Nationals.
Either way, I am proud of my daughter and I think she is just too cute!
Saturday, started early. We had to be there by 8:20A. Their 2 dances were supposed to be 20 minutes apart, including dance time- which gives us about 10 minutes to get them ready and have their costumes changed- not long...and they were supposed to be on opposite sides of the building. Grrr! When we got there, we were told that they moved our dance time up so that we not had 3 minutes inbetween dances (still on opposite sides of the building. Luckily, Janica was able to have them hold off so we could have those 10 minutes. Since it was SOOOO crazy, I didn't have any time to take pics. We were RUNNING.
Tiff's team lyrical dance went great! They were so cute. Then as they were finishing, we got up and started running (literally sprinting) so that we could get to the girls and be right behind them to get them changed. Tiff got changed while I worked on her hair change. It was nuts. We were sweating, it was so nuts. Then, we ran them to the gym to perform. We sat down, and then they were on a dance later. Jeanie and Coby brought the kids to see Tiff's dance. She was so excited to see that they came and it meant a lot to her to have the support.
Afterwards, we hung out until awards. Ate some lunch, then hung out some more. Awards were supposed to be at 6:30P but they weren't until 7:30PM. Ugh! They took 1st place for their Jazz dance (Rockstar) and 4th place for their lyrical (Angels Among Us). We couldn't figure out why they got 4th in lyrical, but figured we would wait till we got the judges notes. We finally left at around 8P and got home around 8:30P. Came home and went to bed. SOOOOOO TIRED!!!
We did get our judging sheets and found out that one of the judges docked us 5 pts because she said one of the girls did a double. Janica said she assumed it was Tiff since she's the only one in her class that can do doubles, but when she saw the video, she didn't notice a single one of our girls that did a double. So, again, we were jipped. Five points is HUGE! Definitely the difference between 1st place and 4th place. Oh well, what can ya do right??
Overall, though it was a good weekend, but very busy!!!
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