I knew that I would miss her a lot, but I also knew that she would have a blast and would learn a ton and would have a good chance to bond with some of her new team mates.
The first night, Thursday, Tiff called and said she was not doing good. That she had been kicked in the stomach by a girl who wasn't paying attention and then later smacked in the face by another when dancing. I asked her if she was having fun in spite of that, and she said that it was really hard but that yes she was having fun. They ordered pizza and went swimming that first night.
The second day, they had dance camp all day and then they went to Olive Garden and hung out watching football player boys. LOL. She was glad that camp was almost over but she admitted it was a lot of hard work and fun.
On Saturday, we had the Dance Camp Summer Blast (which is their version of a recital). All the girls were going to perform all the dances that they had learned in classes. The classes were split up into Mini's, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Tiffy was in the intermediate classes, which were really hard, but would push her to be better instead of hanging out and being in her comfort zone.
Josh and I came down to watch Tiffy's performance. It was cute. I could tell she felt overwhelmed with all the work that they had done. Learning that many dances in 2 days is really hard. Tiffy is one of those people that it takes her a bit to learn it, but then once she does, she works on the technique after. It's hard to work on technique when you have no idea what you are doing. I thought her dances were all cute, but I could tell she was being really hard on herself for not knowing them all. She told me not to post her lyrical video because she barely knew the dance and said that it sucked. I told her it didn't suck, but that I understood. Tiffany did a Jazz dance, lyrical dance, ballroom dance (mambo and salsa), hip hop, camp dance, and summer slam dance. So, here is her Jazz intermediate dance:
I will not be posting the lyrical as per Tiff's request, but here is her ballroom intermediate dance:
Here is her hip hop intermediate dance:
Her camp dance was intermediates and advanced together. So, here it is:
At the end of the "recital", they did a summer camp blast song. Since 7/31 is National Dance Day, and it happened to be the last day of camp, they did a dance to send to You Tube and Facebook. So, look for it online and I'm sure you will be able to see the whole thing. It's not a great angle and you can't see Tiff for most of the video, so I'm not posting it, but it was way cute. LOL.
At camp they gave out ribbons to some of the girls for good behavor, hard work, good toes, etc (whatever the teachers were attracted to and looking for in classes). Tiff didn't get one and was way ticked, but I reminded her that sometimes we aren't going to get any awards and that's okay. lol. All in all, it was a great experience for her and she has learned a lot.
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