Here are some pics from that dance. Looking at the pics, you would never know how very upset she was, unless you REALLY know her and can tell when its fake. lol.

At the final awards that night, Tiffy got a Ruby 2nd place. Which of course made all of us laugh since this dance was so much worse than the other dance. But now, on the upside, it gave us something to fight that score with. When we got the judging sheets, we saw that her Jazz scored higher than her Lyrical AND we saw how hard she was docked for "being too good" and "needs to be in a higher category". Complete crao, but what can ya do? Nothing! Scores are final and there isn't anything much. However, all the info was sent to the Director since if they think she is too good, they should have told us that in St George NOT in SP. We all left really dissapointed. Tiffy was so upset by the whole thing she didn't want pics with any of her trophies. She called them "Crap Trophies!". LOL. Tiffy had girls from lots of different studios coming up to her and telling her how good she did on her lyrical and how they thought she should have gotten 1st and High Point. It did help make her feel a bit better to know that its not just us that thought she was totally jipped. She took pics w Jocelyn and Janica and you can tell her smiles are totally fake. lol. At least she is trying.
All in all, it wasn't a very good day and we felt like it was very unfair (Janica and Jocelyn thought so too). However, theshow must go on, and the next day was team comps and so Tiffy really made an effort to improve her attitude and try to let it go.
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