We got there just after 2p on Thursday afternoon so they could practice. The girls were all really excited to do this.

I dropped her off and went over to the only Starbucks in Provo to work on my book. I came back to get her by 6p. They were getting their costumes that night.

We then went over to our friend's house (Brennin and Jeri) since they had let us stay there instead of having to get a hotel room. Thank you guys! Anyway, we chilled and hung out. I got on the phone with Verizon tech support since my phone wasn't letting me respond to any texts. They said they couldnt fix it and could put a ticket in to have someone igher check it out but that it could take 5-8 business days to fix. I was not happy with this! We all had some dinner and got to bed relatively early for the crazy day that was to be the next day.
Friday morning started out very early. I got Tiffy ready and took her to the stadium for practice. It is a big place, but they had to work out the kinks in the changes they had made to the dances. They had also added a ton of things, so they had to keep practicing.
Here's a couple pics of them practicing on the field and working on their floor work.

While the girls were practicing, Kristin, Lawson and I went to Kohls. They had 80% off and Kristin wanted to get some cute outfits. I had nothing else to do, so I went with them. Their practice went a bit long on the practice field. (they had transfered over at some point). So we went to lunch at 1230p. Our lunch group was me, Kristin had Lawson with her, and Stacey, her husband Jeff and daughter Emily all came with Taylor, Aubrey, and Tiffy. We all went to Great Harvest Bread company for sandwiches and Jamba Juice for slushy drinks.
We got a change to chill for a few mins before we had to take them back to practice again.

After lunch, we took them back to practice some more. During this break, I went back to Brennin and Jeri's and hung out for a bit trying to get caught up on some things I had to take care of. I met up with everyone at 530p for dinner break and getting ready for dress rehearsal. They didn't need to curl their hair or do makeup, just have the outfit on. So, Kristin and I took the kids to Subway for them to eat something. I didn't eat cause Josh was going to be down in a couple hours and I would eat with him. Tiffy had to eat though so I got her something.
We ran over to Kristins hotel and the girls literally jumped in the pool with their dance clothes still on and got out 30 seconds later so they could rush and eat and get dressed super quick since we had to have them back for dress rehearsal at the stadium. We got them there just in the nick of time.
Just as I had dropped her off, Josh said he was in town, so we decided to go get some dinner together. We went and got dinner at ajapanese restaurant, then we went shopping for some stadium blow up seats and then we got Tiffy her present ( the new Selena Gomez CD). After that, it was time to go and get her. So, we all met up at the stadium at 10Pto pick up our children. They were late getting out, so we got them at about 1030p.
After that, we went to Brennin and Jeri's to get some sleep.
Saturday started out really early as well. We got up and ate, then rushed off to get Tiffy to the stadium for practice by 830A. As I was arriving at the stadium, and had just parked, a bunch of people started running over by my car and looking up. I rolled down my window to see and saw a big hot air balloon coming down right by my car. It came doen close to my car, but not on it.

At lunchtime, we picked the Tiffy up to go to lunch with Bob and Helene, but they were busy doing water sports with Isaac still and weren't going to be able to come down for lunch anymore. Tiffy was really tired, so we grabbed some quick lunch at Panda Express and then headed to Brennin and Jeri's for a quick nap. After the nap, I got Tiffy ready for the show that night. We left a little late fromt here, so we were stressed we wouldn't make it by call time. We didn't have time to take pics before since we were so rushed but we did take one in the car.

We got there with a few extra minutes to spare and so Bob and Helene were able to see Tiffy before she went in and performed. She was super excited to see them and to perform.

We then had to take her in for her call time. I took a cute pic of her with the whole Dancers Edge SOF team.

Stacey got some great shots of the girls waiting to perform.

Bob, Helene, Josh and I hung out and ate some food at the stadium while we were waiting for the show to start, I was so very overheated and dehydrated that it took a while bottle of gatorade, then 1/2 a water bottle, then a big cold snowie, then the other 1/2 of the water bottle before I was moderately cooler. I hate being kept so dehydrated sometimes. It really makes it hard in extreme heat situations like this for me. Anyway, we were all super excited to see her perform. Just before the show started, we got to our seats.
I got a shot of the girls entering the portal and waiting to come thru onto the field.

Then the girls finally came thru and lined up on to the sidelines of the field.

They brought the flags in in the coolest way. Skydivers! It was pretty awsesome!!!! Then David Archuleta sang the National Anthem. After that, the dancers went onto the field to perform their first routine.

Stacey was sitting on the end where the girls happened to be and got some great shots. On the 2nd one, you can see Tiffy and Aubrey in the front row. Tiffy is on the far left and is the shortest one. LOL.

After that, the girls performed "Rocking in the USA". They looked so great and amazing out there!

We loved watching Tiffy perform!

The girls did some cool floor rotations. Tiffy was in the S for the USA in this one.

They did the liberty bell:

David Archuleta performed and they also had 3 Stadium hopefuls competing as well.

The girls all got comfortable on the field for the Brad Paisley concert:

Directly afterwards were the fireworks:

During the fireworks, the girls did their second number "Firework!" It was all done in the dark and looked amazing! They all had glow stick batons and the pictures I have do not even come close to expressing how cool it was. Tiffy did awesome!!!!

It was such a great show and so much fun. After the show, it was crazy down below and in the stands to get out.

Luckily, the SOF directors thought to make a block party for people to dance and hang out while the crowds dissipated. So, after, we picked up Tiffy, we went to the block party. Bob and Helene stayed for a little bit, but were tired so they went home shortly afterwards.
I did get some pics right after while picking Tiffy up. It was so dark that the quality wasn't good on my phone (since they didn't allow any cameras or video cameras).

At the block party, we had so much fun dancing it out. We ran into Janica and Jocelyn after a while and danced with them and hung out. We all danced till they shut everything down at 10:47PM. LAME!!! We all laughed since the "spirit must be going to bed". LOL. Anyway, it was a great night and a lot of fun.
We went back to Brennin and Jeri's and went right to sleep! LOL. Super tired. In the morning, Josh made breakfast for everyone and then we headed home. All in all a great time, but so exhausting.
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