Then, on Sunday, there was some drama that had to be addressed. We have a long standing rule that Tiffany doesn't go to church. We believe that a child is very impressionable and as children they aren't able to really make that distinction between do they really believe it for themselves, or for their parents? Josh and I, don't believe in the LDS church and are Agnostic, and think that Tiffany has a right to make her own decision in her own time as to what she believes. Right now, she is too young to make that decision. Not to mention the fact, that she has no interest at all in going to church- which is more than fine with us. I don't have anything against religion per say, but I think that different people need different things in their life. Some people think that I say that because I don't really understand the religion(s) or that I'm trying to be stubborn. None of those are true. I completely understand the many religions that I have been in my life and tried out. In a nutshell, for us, religion just isn't the choice we went with. For others, it may be the right move for them. It's frustrating that we seem to keep having to explain ourselves and our reasons for why we do or don't do things. We like to live by the motto of: To each their own. Live and let live. Diversity is good and the world would be a very boring place if we all felt the same way and did the same things.
Anyway, I don't know if they all figured that we were fine with her going to church or what (though I have no idea where they would get that idea as we have been very clear in the past) but for whatever reason, a sitter wasn't secured for Tiffany while they were going to all be at church. Sunday morning, Tiffany calls me very upset because she was told that she had to go to church with them. Josh had to call and address the issue. Tiffany ended up staying home alone for an hour and a half while they all went to church. She was fine. I stayed on the phone with her and chatted. I had her close all the windows and lock all the doors. Just cause you are in booneyville does not mean that you should leave everything open and unlocked- especially with a child home alone. Whatever. I would like to think that perhaps it was just an oversight as far as the sitter goes, and we will let it go, but next year before anything happens, we will have to make sure that either A) she doesn't go up early,or B) a sitter is secured. I guess the thing that bothers us the most, is that no one bothered to say anything to us. Tiffany had to freak out and call me, which upsets me since I should have heard about this issue from one of the adults that were there. Sigh.
Anyway, grammy camp actually started on Monday and that's when some of the other kids arrived. Jack and Levi were super sick and didn't make it this year. Tffy was bummed since Levi is the closest one in age to her and she gets along well with him. She always has fun though, even if she is highly annoyed by some of the younger kids.
The kids did a lot of fun activities that they really enjoyed. They picked berries:
They had boating activities:
They went miniature golfing:
They went out and had burgers:
They had ice cream cones:
They had fun on the big chair in town:
They had a "dance competition". LOL. I told Tiffy that it didn't seem very fair that she was trying to compete against everyone else when they have barely any dance experience and she's been dancing since she was 2, and to not expect to win everything since they will have to pass the "awards" around. She understood and said she wouldn't do it as a competition and she wouldn't take it personally when she wouldn't win them all since she understood that its just a game anyway and to not give the other kids awards as well would make them feel bad.
They went horseback riding:
They went camping:
Tiffy had a great time with Chopper:
They had a fashion show. They saw baby animals:
They went to the park:
Tiffy got Dizzy on the twirly swing and her shoes flew off. LOL.
They rolled down the hill and then took some pics:
They made huge cookies and ate them. Tiffy could only eat like 1/2 of her half. LOL.
They made crepes:
They went on the bumper boats:
They did some more boating:
They fed the ducks and swans:
They got some more ice cream:
Throughout the 11 days she was gone, Tiffy missed us a ton and had some homesick issues, but she did have fun, and Skype helped. Next time, I don't think I will let her go up as long though. She did get concerned and worried over some discipline issues with the other kids and it made her realize that different people treat their kids/grandkids differently than how we raise her. Overall, she did have fun but she was definitely glad to be home with us and have her own space.
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