A. Attached or single: Very attached
B. Best friend: Josh, Julie, and Lesley
C. Cake or Pie: Cake
D. Day of the week: Saturday
E. Essential items: Makeup
F. Favorite color: black
G. Gummy bears or worms: gummy worms
H. Hometown: I don't really have one since I grew up all over the country
I. Indulgence: DVD Seasons
J. January or July: July- its closer to vacation
K. Kids: One daughter- Tiffany
L. Life isn’t complete without: family and friends
M. Marriage date: June 26, 1999
N. Number of brothers & sisters: 1 sister, 2 brothers, 1 half sis ter (on dad's side), 3 step sisters and 1 steb brother from lonnie, 2 half sisters and 1 half brother (on mom's side)
O. Oranges or apples: Oranges
P. Phobias or fears: death of my daughter
Q. Quote: "True wealth is not measured in money or status or power. It is measured in the legacy we leave behind for thse we love and those we inspire."
R. Reasons to smile: My daughter
S. Superman or Wonderwoman: Superman
T. Tag 5 People: Josh, Catie, Amanda, Julie, Jenny
U. Unknown fact about me: I love cemetaries!!!
V. Vegetable: lettuce- I love lettuce!!!
W. Worst habbit: shopping when stressed
X. X-ray or ultrasound: ultrasound
Y. Your favorite food: crepes, chinese food
Z. Zodiac sign: Triple Scorpio