Tiffy was so cute when I dropped her off...I had to laugh though cause you could tell they were all so tired. Oh, one other thing I had to laugh about was the competition girls. The onyl girls who were wearing their hairpieces at the parade are the new girls on the team. Tamra and I had a good laugh. All of us mom's who have daughters in Competition and have been through this last season are all burnt out on the hairpieces...for a while. Not that we're getting rid of them, cause they are great for performances. However, for something as chill as a parade in the head, we decided real hair was good enough. He he he.

I will post the video from the parade later.
When we got home, we finished up the last part of the yard, and had our BBQ. After all went home, we set off a few fireworks and chilled a bit more around the new firepit.

Amazingly, the dogs were pretty good. They just hung out inside and chilled.

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