I took it home and it ran great. It was on Sunday that all the drama started.
Josh had to go into work, and so we (Tiffy and I) decided to come out as well and do some chilling at Starbucks and shopping while he worked for a couple of hours. We had run our errands and were waiting outside for Josh to come out when I heard this weird noise. So, I turned off my engine and listened for it. It sounded kind of like bubbling- Which was really weird. So, I rolled my window down to see what it was. I couldn't really hear anything so I climbed out of my car and tried listening for it that way. I couldn't hear anything. So, I just kind of shook my head "whatever" and climbed back inside. I heard the noise again. So, I paid attention to it, and decided to pop the hood. It was when we checked under the hood that we saw that the coolant was literally boiling. Not simmering, full out boiling. I was SO pissed!
I called the dealership, which was not far away, but there was no answer. I called the sales guy, and he answered. He told me that service is closed on Sundays but he would make an appointment for us first thing the next morning. We were upset, but what else could we do? Suffice it to say, it took us 2 hours to get home.
The next morning, I called in to work and we (Josh and I)drove down to Sandy which took us 1 hr 45 minutes because the car was still over heating. By the time we got there, I was upset. They kind of jerked us around, taking their sweet time getting back to us. I was so livid after a couple hours that I told Josh to deal with it, and that I didn't want the car anymore. I got in my Jeep (I drove separate so we wouldn't be stranded in Sandy- just in case), cranked up the music and cleaned out my car.
While I was in there, Josh talked to them and told them they would have to convince me and make me happy since it was my car. They got to work and about 1/2 hr later said they were ready with a deal for us. I came back in when Josh told me they were ready- still stewing. They agreed to cut 4500.00 from the price of the car, and fixed and checked EVERYTHING!!! I agreed to keep the car- just a weird anomaly I guess. In the end, it turned out good. My loan is for much lower, and I got the car at a great price!
It has been almost 2 weeks and it is still running great! So, I'm happy with it. lol.
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