So, the other day after the Arts Festival, the 3 of us were laughing and goofing off and we (Tiffy and I) convinced Josh to do the booty dance for us. I decided to post it (yes, he and show the kinds of things we do that amuse us. LOL!
Our little family is the most important thing to us. No matter what we have to go through in life, we will find a way to deal with it as long as we have each other. “Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”~Franklin P. Jones
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Fundraisers and our 11th Anniversary
Yesterday, June 26th, was our 11th wedding anniversary. We got up and had a nice breakfast. Then we had to hurry and get ready because there was a car wash fundraiser that Tiff (and Josh and I) were participating in.
You see, Tiffany is prepping to go to dance camp soon and so she has been doing fundraisers to raise money for camp and for her solos this coming year. She just finished up a cokie dough fundraiser where she sold about $500 in cookies. So, when the car wash fundraiser came up as well, we signed her up.
We got there a little after 9:30AM and the car wash started at 10 AM. Tiffy took the 1st shift on the street with their signs and attracting attention to our car wash. After an hour, we went to go wash cars. It was a lot of work and we were all really tired by the time it ended AT 2 PM. It was supposed to end at 1PM, but we kept getting cars so we kept going. By 2 though, we were all about beat.
We went home, had some lunch and chiled for a bit. Since it was our anniversary, Josh and I went to dinner at Fresco's and then a movie at the Gateway. We saw Grownups. It was okay, but it was nice to get out. My friend jeanie took Tiffy for the night. So, Tiffy had fun too.
We had a somewhat busy day, but that's alright. We like to keep busy.
You see, Tiffany is prepping to go to dance camp soon and so she has been doing fundraisers to raise money for camp and for her solos this coming year. She just finished up a cokie dough fundraiser where she sold about $500 in cookies. So, when the car wash fundraiser came up as well, we signed her up.
We got there a little after 9:30AM and the car wash started at 10 AM. Tiffy took the 1st shift on the street with their signs and attracting attention to our car wash. After an hour, we went to go wash cars. It was a lot of work and we were all really tired by the time it ended AT 2 PM. It was supposed to end at 1PM, but we kept getting cars so we kept going. By 2 though, we were all about beat.
We went home, had some lunch and chiled for a bit. Since it was our anniversary, Josh and I went to dinner at Fresco's and then a movie at the Gateway. We saw Grownups. It was okay, but it was nice to get out. My friend jeanie took Tiffy for the night. So, Tiffy had fun too.
We had a somewhat busy day, but that's alright. We like to keep busy.
Friday, June 25, 2010
The Arts Festival
Today, we went to the arts festival. We try to go every year and we always have a lot of fun going. Jeanie and the kids were going to meet us there at 10 AM, but she got some rush work that had to be done right away. So, we decided to take the kids so she could get work done and then she could meet us there.
Josh went and got them and I got them ready to go. We took our sweet time getting everyone ready. We finally left for the festival around 10:30 AM. I had done some face painting for the girls and gave them some glitter eyeliner. They thought it was fun and cute! So did I. Lol.

We wandered around and got the girls a cute "crown" and wand. We also got some candied almonds and kennel corn. We were also looking for a toy for Cayson, but there was a shocking small amount of boy things at the festival this year.
After we had been there a while and had seen everything, the kids were all hungry. So, we got them all a slice of pizza from The Pie. They have the best pizza! Josh and I would have gotten a slice too, but we wanted more than cheese and pepperoni. So, we got 1 japanese and 1 greek instead and went halfsies on it.

It was so blasted hot. All I really wanted was a cool drink. I felt like I was going to die. It always takes me a while to acclimate to the new temperature. LOL.

After we all finished, we took the kids to the park to play for a while. They didn't last long though- it was pretty hot. 98F hot to be precise! So, we decided to get snowies and go sit down in the shade. It was nice to have a cool flavor. Tiffy got a mixture of flavors, Josh didn't want one and I got sour grape. Yum! I love sour flavors. LOL. Jeanie and the kids got some as well. It was rally funny to watch Cayson because he was SO into it. Tiffany was quiet to eat her food- it's a serious deal to eat your snowie. Don't ya know? LOL! It made me laugh. Josh kinda laid down and hung out while the rest of us enjoyed some good ice.

As I was sitting there watching the kids, I realized that I did Tiffy's hair really cute. So, I took a pic of it. LOL.

Jeanie and I goofed off for a bit and tried to take some pics of ourselves. It didn't work out so good. but it was funny nonetheless.

After we ate, we were all pretty wiped out form the heat and the walking around. So, we bid our farewells. Plus, I had to stop by the photography studio to get Scott the list of pictures to edit for us so that I can get the models their pictures. We came home and took a nice long nap. Not too shabby!
Josh went and got them and I got them ready to go. We took our sweet time getting everyone ready. We finally left for the festival around 10:30 AM. I had done some face painting for the girls and gave them some glitter eyeliner. They thought it was fun and cute! So did I. Lol.

We wandered around and got the girls a cute "crown" and wand. We also got some candied almonds and kennel corn. We were also looking for a toy for Cayson, but there was a shocking small amount of boy things at the festival this year.
After we had been there a while and had seen everything, the kids were all hungry. So, we got them all a slice of pizza from The Pie. They have the best pizza! Josh and I would have gotten a slice too, but we wanted more than cheese and pepperoni. So, we got 1 japanese and 1 greek instead and went halfsies on it.

It was so blasted hot. All I really wanted was a cool drink. I felt like I was going to die. It always takes me a while to acclimate to the new temperature. LOL.

After we all finished, we took the kids to the park to play for a while. They didn't last long though- it was pretty hot. 98F hot to be precise! So, we decided to get snowies and go sit down in the shade. It was nice to have a cool flavor. Tiffy got a mixture of flavors, Josh didn't want one and I got sour grape. Yum! I love sour flavors. LOL. Jeanie and the kids got some as well. It was rally funny to watch Cayson because he was SO into it. Tiffany was quiet to eat her food- it's a serious deal to eat your snowie. Don't ya know? LOL! It made me laugh. Josh kinda laid down and hung out while the rest of us enjoyed some good ice.

As I was sitting there watching the kids, I realized that I did Tiffy's hair really cute. So, I took a pic of it. LOL.

Jeanie and I goofed off for a bit and tried to take some pics of ourselves. It didn't work out so good. but it was funny nonetheless.

After we ate, we were all pretty wiped out form the heat and the walking around. So, we bid our farewells. Plus, I had to stop by the photography studio to get Scott the list of pictures to edit for us so that I can get the models their pictures. We came home and took a nice long nap. Not too shabby!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Photoshoot- Part 2
Jeanie was the first one to do the second "look" and she had the cougar mom thing going. She is not typically an overtly flirtatious person in that sense. So, it was especially funny. I still think her eyes looked amazing and smoky and she did just fine.

Next came Rachel, who played the clubber. I think for the most part, she did pretty well and seemed to enjoy herself.

For Peter, I did a "Pete Wentzish" type look. He was excited to do something so completely different than his regular day to day stuff. So, it was a lot of fun. He was having problems with his allergies. So, it was a bit hard to work with- especially since he kept touching his face, but I still think it turned out pretty good.

Alina was really funny because she asked me if she could have smoky eyes too since everyone else was getting them for the second look. I assured her that hers would be AWESOME! She was excited and said she was going to go to work wearing this look. I spoke to josh later and he said that she had mentioned that she had gotten a TON of compliments and loved the look.

I tried my very best to get josh to be a drag queen for me, but alas, he was pretty resistant to the idea. So, I did a "bag lady" for him instead. I think he was a pretty manly woman- no big shocker there. but I think he turned out fantastic! See, I can do ugly and weird too. I'm not just all pretty looks. LOL!

I saved the very best (and most intensive) look for last. I wanted to give Amanda a look so very different from what she had just done, and from what she normally does. So, I gave her the "alcoholic crack 'ho" look. She was great and was completely up for it. We had the most fun with these shots as they were just simply hillarious!!! There were a lot more somewhat risque' shots, but she didn't want to post these where just anyone could get at them. So, I'm simply showing some of the more blog appropriate shots. lol.

When we had everyone, Peter, Alina and Amanda all got together and took a few group shots. It turned out funny because we had class on one side, and crass on the other side with a guy somewhere in the middle (literally).

I finally left around 1:45PMish...and was home before 2P. It was a lot of work but a lot of fun too. I went home and chilled for a good 4 hours before I even got up to walk around again. LOL! I am excited to get the list of the approved shots to Scott so that he can work on them and then get me the final "photoshopped" pics back. Then, I can get everyone their disks showing all of their hard work.
Next came Rachel, who played the clubber. I think for the most part, she did pretty well and seemed to enjoy herself.
For Peter, I did a "Pete Wentzish" type look. He was excited to do something so completely different than his regular day to day stuff. So, it was a lot of fun. He was having problems with his allergies. So, it was a bit hard to work with- especially since he kept touching his face, but I still think it turned out pretty good.
Alina was really funny because she asked me if she could have smoky eyes too since everyone else was getting them for the second look. I assured her that hers would be AWESOME! She was excited and said she was going to go to work wearing this look. I spoke to josh later and he said that she had mentioned that she had gotten a TON of compliments and loved the look.
I tried my very best to get josh to be a drag queen for me, but alas, he was pretty resistant to the idea. So, I did a "bag lady" for him instead. I think he was a pretty manly woman- no big shocker there. but I think he turned out fantastic! See, I can do ugly and weird too. I'm not just all pretty looks. LOL!
I saved the very best (and most intensive) look for last. I wanted to give Amanda a look so very different from what she had just done, and from what she normally does. So, I gave her the "alcoholic crack 'ho" look. She was great and was completely up for it. We had the most fun with these shots as they were just simply hillarious!!! There were a lot more somewhat risque' shots, but she didn't want to post these where just anyone could get at them. So, I'm simply showing some of the more blog appropriate shots. lol.
When we had everyone, Peter, Alina and Amanda all got together and took a few group shots. It turned out funny because we had class on one side, and crass on the other side with a guy somewhere in the middle (literally).
I finally left around 1:45PMish...and was home before 2P. It was a lot of work but a lot of fun too. I went home and chilled for a good 4 hours before I even got up to walk around again. LOL! I am excited to get the list of the approved shots to Scott so that he can work on them and then get me the final "photoshopped" pics back. Then, I can get everyone their disks showing all of their hard work.
The Photoshoot- Part 1
So, to improve my professional makeup artist portfolio, I decided to hold and produce a photoshoot. Little Grins photographer Scott decided to participate and Jocelyn from Dancers Edge agreed to let me rent her studio for the shoot hours so that we would have a "staging area". I spent the last few weeks planning it and arranging all the little details.
Yesterday, 6/23/10, was the day of the photoshoot. I got up early to prep everything. We had to be at the studio by 8 Am to set up. I spoke to Jocelyn on Tuesday, the day before, to confirm that the studio would be opened for us. However, when I got there, no one was there and the studio was locked. We figured maybe she was late, but when no one had shown up by 8:45AM, I was freaking out(to say the least). We didn't have their phone number, and I had tried emailing, but had gotten no response. We decided to drive over to Jocelyn's house and hoped that I could find it (since I hadnt been there in 5-6 years and had only been there once). I found a house that looked like hers and had a car like hers. So, I decided to knock on the door and chance being a complete idiot if it wasn't her house. Luckily, it was her house and she was there. She apologized profusely and explained that she had confused it with Saturday. I took the key and ran back to the studio. When I got there (just before 9 AM), Jeanie was there but no one else had shown yet. Phew!
We hurried and set up and tried to get caught up (since we were now running an hour behind). I got started on the first set of looks for everyone while Suzy took "before" shots of everyone.

I think it turned out really well. At 10 Am, we started shooting with Scott. He worked on the first set of looks and headshots. Everyone had 2 "looks" except for Tiffany (since she already had a portfolio done). I for the most part got caught up pretty quickly. Thankfully, Josh was there to help out and help keep people on point, since I can only be in so many places at once.

After the first few shots, we were all pretty well acquainted and were having fun laughing at all the fun shots. We did a set of shots where Josh (the gym guy) was hitting on Amanda (the Yoga/gym girl). It was hillarious!!! We were all cracking up.

Yesterday, 6/23/10, was the day of the photoshoot. I got up early to prep everything. We had to be at the studio by 8 Am to set up. I spoke to Jocelyn on Tuesday, the day before, to confirm that the studio would be opened for us. However, when I got there, no one was there and the studio was locked. We figured maybe she was late, but when no one had shown up by 8:45AM, I was freaking out(to say the least). We didn't have their phone number, and I had tried emailing, but had gotten no response. We decided to drive over to Jocelyn's house and hoped that I could find it (since I hadnt been there in 5-6 years and had only been there once). I found a house that looked like hers and had a car like hers. So, I decided to knock on the door and chance being a complete idiot if it wasn't her house. Luckily, it was her house and she was there. She apologized profusely and explained that she had confused it with Saturday. I took the key and ran back to the studio. When I got there (just before 9 AM), Jeanie was there but no one else had shown yet. Phew!
We hurried and set up and tried to get caught up (since we were now running an hour behind). I got started on the first set of looks for everyone while Suzy took "before" shots of everyone.

I think it turned out really well. At 10 Am, we started shooting with Scott. He worked on the first set of looks and headshots. Everyone had 2 "looks" except for Tiffany (since she already had a portfolio done). I for the most part got caught up pretty quickly. Thankfully, Josh was there to help out and help keep people on point, since I can only be in so many places at once.
After the first few shots, we were all pretty well acquainted and were having fun laughing at all the fun shots. We did a set of shots where Josh (the gym guy) was hitting on Amanda (the Yoga/gym girl). It was hillarious!!! We were all cracking up.
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