Next came Rachel, who played the clubber. I think for the most part, she did pretty well and seemed to enjoy herself.
For Peter, I did a "Pete Wentzish" type look. He was excited to do something so completely different than his regular day to day stuff. So, it was a lot of fun. He was having problems with his allergies. So, it was a bit hard to work with- especially since he kept touching his face, but I still think it turned out pretty good.
Alina was really funny because she asked me if she could have smoky eyes too since everyone else was getting them for the second look. I assured her that hers would be AWESOME! She was excited and said she was going to go to work wearing this look. I spoke to josh later and he said that she had mentioned that she had gotten a TON of compliments and loved the look.
I tried my very best to get josh to be a drag queen for me, but alas, he was pretty resistant to the idea. So, I did a "bag lady" for him instead. I think he was a pretty manly woman- no big shocker there. but I think he turned out fantastic! See, I can do ugly and weird too. I'm not just all pretty looks. LOL!
I saved the very best (and most intensive) look for last. I wanted to give Amanda a look so very different from what she had just done, and from what she normally does. So, I gave her the "alcoholic crack 'ho" look. She was great and was completely up for it. We had the most fun with these shots as they were just simply hillarious!!! There were a lot more somewhat risque' shots, but she didn't want to post these where just anyone could get at them. So, I'm simply showing some of the more blog appropriate shots. lol.
When we had everyone, Peter, Alina and Amanda all got together and took a few group shots. It turned out funny because we had class on one side, and crass on the other side with a guy somewhere in the middle (literally).
I finally left around 1:45PMish...and was home before 2P. It was a lot of work but a lot of fun too. I went home and chilled for a good 4 hours before I even got up to walk around again. LOL! I am excited to get the list of the approved shots to Scott so that he can work on them and then get me the final "photoshopped" pics back. Then, I can get everyone their disks showing all of their hard work.
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