We all had a good time. Congratulations Tiffy and Taylor! You did an awesome job!!!
Our little family is the most important thing to us. No matter what we have to go through in life, we will find a way to deal with it as long as we have each other. “Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”~Franklin P. Jones
Sunday, May 31, 2009
We went to Coldstone with our friends Angie and Alton and their 3 kids. As we were pulling up, we saw my friend Tamra and 2 of her daughters (one of whom - Maddie- dances with Tiffy).

We all had a good time. Congratulations Tiffy and Taylor! You did an awesome job!!!
We all had a good time. Congratulations Tiffy and Taylor! You did an awesome job!!!
2008-2009 Dance Year Final Recital- part 1
This year has been SO hectic and action packed so it's kinda nice that the season is over. Yes, Tiffy has technique classes suring the summer, but it should be a LOT more relaxed.
Saturday, May 30th was Tiffany's recital for the end of the year. She was going to show off everything she's been learning all year. So, it was something exciting and something were really looking forward to.
In the morning, we got up at 6 AM so that we could get ready for dress rehearsal that was supposed to go from 9A-12P. HAH! What a joke. Practice ALWAYS goes longer for us comp teams. LOL. It's ok, I expect it. So, it's not like it's a surprise.

They went through everything except for the tumbling piece and we still didn't get out of there until 12:55 PM. Crazy. While we were at practice, Josh went shooting with Alton and had a blast (no pun intended- lol!).
We went home and Josh had made us lunch. After lunch, Tiffy practiced her Mickey dance a couple times (she'd messed up a couple times during rehearsal) and then I had to wash all the makeup off of Tiffy's face cause she'd made a complete mess of it. So, she went to bed with a clean face. She took her nap (it's absolutely needed on crazy days like recitals- keeps her from being too emotional and there can be no crying with makeup on as its just too hard to fix).
I got her up around 3PM and got her ready for the recital. We had to be there early so we could get good seats. So, we were there by 4:45PM even though we didn't have to be there till 5:30P. We got great seats (which was the plan- plus I was saving seats for 3 other friends and their families). We got 4th row center and took up 2 rows- lol.
Tiffy was #4 with Hey Mickey and did great! She is so cute and did a fantastic job.

#5 was Taylor J's routine. It's always so cute to watch the 3 year olds. Makes me think of when Tiffy was so little and dancing. lol.
After #5, I got up and went to get Tiffy changed for her tumbling routine which was #14. Once I got her changed, I went back and sat down to watch until she came on. I don't typically take her to tumbling and they don't let us watch unless it's an observation day (which is only 2xs a year). So, it was nice to see her onstage and see how much she's improved in even the last few months. I am so proud of her and how hard she has worked! She worked really hard over the summer and got bumped to intermediate. She is in one of the best in her intermediate class. So, its realy nice to see. She is very techinical about the way she does everything- dance and tumbling so its fun to see.

After Tumbling was the intermission. So, I had to go get her changed for her Production number which was at the end and #30. I went back and sat down and watched until she came on. Poor Taylor S. (Tiffy's best friend) was SO sick. She sucked it up and did really good considering how sick she was. Tiffy did awesome as always. So very cute! She is the Sheriff and loves her part.

After the production number, they did the finale and after that, it was over. I went onstage to go get her and gave her the flowers we'd bought for her as a congratulations for all her hard work for the year. She was excited to get it. We got a couple cute pics of her, with her and Taylor, and then by the awards they won this year at competions.

We went to get her changed and we were told that as a souveneir for the year, they get to keep a horse (which was one of their props) and of course Tiffy was ecstatic about that. So, we went to get one. After we picked ours up, i got a cute pic of Tiffy and her friend and teammate Kylie.

We then went and got her changed into her traveling uniform so that we could go to Coldstone with our friends. I got a really cute pic of Tiffy and Josh. Shows how very proud of her he is.
Saturday, May 30th was Tiffany's recital for the end of the year. She was going to show off everything she's been learning all year. So, it was something exciting and something were really looking forward to.
In the morning, we got up at 6 AM so that we could get ready for dress rehearsal that was supposed to go from 9A-12P. HAH! What a joke. Practice ALWAYS goes longer for us comp teams. LOL. It's ok, I expect it. So, it's not like it's a surprise.
They went through everything except for the tumbling piece and we still didn't get out of there until 12:55 PM. Crazy. While we were at practice, Josh went shooting with Alton and had a blast (no pun intended- lol!).
We went home and Josh had made us lunch. After lunch, Tiffy practiced her Mickey dance a couple times (she'd messed up a couple times during rehearsal) and then I had to wash all the makeup off of Tiffy's face cause she'd made a complete mess of it. So, she went to bed with a clean face. She took her nap (it's absolutely needed on crazy days like recitals- keeps her from being too emotional and there can be no crying with makeup on as its just too hard to fix).
I got her up around 3PM and got her ready for the recital. We had to be there early so we could get good seats. So, we were there by 4:45PM even though we didn't have to be there till 5:30P. We got great seats (which was the plan- plus I was saving seats for 3 other friends and their families). We got 4th row center and took up 2 rows- lol.
Tiffy was #4 with Hey Mickey and did great! She is so cute and did a fantastic job.
#5 was Taylor J's routine. It's always so cute to watch the 3 year olds. Makes me think of when Tiffy was so little and dancing. lol.
After #5, I got up and went to get Tiffy changed for her tumbling routine which was #14. Once I got her changed, I went back and sat down to watch until she came on. I don't typically take her to tumbling and they don't let us watch unless it's an observation day (which is only 2xs a year). So, it was nice to see her onstage and see how much she's improved in even the last few months. I am so proud of her and how hard she has worked! She worked really hard over the summer and got bumped to intermediate. She is in one of the best in her intermediate class. So, its realy nice to see. She is very techinical about the way she does everything- dance and tumbling so its fun to see.
After Tumbling was the intermission. So, I had to go get her changed for her Production number which was at the end and #30. I went back and sat down and watched until she came on. Poor Taylor S. (Tiffy's best friend) was SO sick. She sucked it up and did really good considering how sick she was. Tiffy did awesome as always. So very cute! She is the Sheriff and loves her part.
After the production number, they did the finale and after that, it was over. I went onstage to go get her and gave her the flowers we'd bought for her as a congratulations for all her hard work for the year. She was excited to get it. We got a couple cute pics of her, with her and Taylor, and then by the awards they won this year at competions.
We went to get her changed and we were told that as a souveneir for the year, they get to keep a horse (which was one of their props) and of course Tiffy was ecstatic about that. So, we went to get one. After we picked ours up, i got a cute pic of Tiffy and her friend and teammate Kylie.
We then went and got her changed into her traveling uniform so that we could go to Coldstone with our friends. I got a really cute pic of Tiffy and Josh. Shows how very proud of her he is.
More Yardwork...and the Drive-In
On Friday, Josh went out in the backyard to finish up with the plants and bushes we had bought for the area around our fire pit area. He had to till the area where we had had 3 trees (Bandice destroyed those too- sigh) and put some bushes in their place.
Alton and josh also went out and found some nice boulders and put them in the yard as well. Thank you for your help Alton! As my daughter would say, they were "honking" heavy! LOL!
Josh, then finished up the other 2 sides of the area with more flowers and mini pine bushes.
Tiffy came out when she got home and was like "Wow dad! You sure did a lot!" I cracked up at that.
Later that night, we were watching a neighbor girl and a friend of Tiffy's (Maddie). The girls were playing on the trampoline before we went to the drive-in movie. Josh and I were hanging out talking and watching them in our gazebo.
At one point, Tiffy and Maddie were doing "tricks" on the tramp, and Tiffy wanted to show me her round-off. So, I got it on tape. LOL.
After they'd played a bit, it was time to go to the movies. We thought about calling Angie and Alton to see if they wanted to come with us, but decided not to because we knew it was their family night and figured they'd be hanging out together. So, off we went. I finish parking and I get out of my car an lo and behold, look who is approaching our car....Angela and the kids. LOL! We cracked up at that. Turns out that they had decided to go to the drive in with their family. Alton told Josh that they had thought about calling us to see if we wanted to go, but decided not to cause they knew Josh had been working on the yard the last 2 days and was probably exhausted. They had thought we'd probably be and hanging out at home relaxing. We cracked up at that and thought it was super funny. LOL.
We got home a bit after 1 AM since there had been 2 movies at the drive-in (17 Again and Ghosts of Girlfriends Past)- both good movies. I decided (again- not a new thing) that we must be massochists since we had to get up way early the next morning for dress rehearsal for the recital. LOL. Crazy, but fun.
Alton and josh also went out and found some nice boulders and put them in the yard as well. Thank you for your help Alton! As my daughter would say, they were "honking" heavy! LOL!

Josh, then finished up the other 2 sides of the area with more flowers and mini pine bushes.

Tiffy came out when she got home and was like "Wow dad! You sure did a lot!" I cracked up at that.

Later that night, we were watching a neighbor girl and a friend of Tiffy's (Maddie). The girls were playing on the trampoline before we went to the drive-in movie. Josh and I were hanging out talking and watching them in our gazebo.
At one point, Tiffy and Maddie were doing "tricks" on the tramp, and Tiffy wanted to show me her round-off. So, I got it on tape. LOL.

After they'd played a bit, it was time to go to the movies. We thought about calling Angie and Alton to see if they wanted to come with us, but decided not to because we knew it was their family night and figured they'd be hanging out together. So, off we went. I finish parking and I get out of my car an lo and behold, look who is approaching our car....Angela and the kids. LOL! We cracked up at that. Turns out that they had decided to go to the drive in with their family. Alton told Josh that they had thought about calling us to see if we wanted to go, but decided not to cause they knew Josh had been working on the yard the last 2 days and was probably exhausted. They had thought we'd probably be and hanging out at home relaxing. We cracked up at that and thought it was super funny. LOL.
We got home a bit after 1 AM since there had been 2 movies at the drive-in (17 Again and Ghosts of Girlfriends Past)- both good movies. I decided (again- not a new thing) that we must be massochists since we had to get up way early the next morning for dress rehearsal for the recital. LOL. Crazy, but fun.
Working on the Backyard
We started working on the backyard on Thursday morning. Josh and I went to Home Depot after we dropped Tiffy at school and got some bushes, flowers and a tree. When we got home, we stuck them in our garage until we got back from lunch.
Josh and I tried the Thai place in town that we haven't been to in like 4 years. Originally, we didn't like them, but they have new owners since and decided to give it another try. They are okay. I still like chinese better, but pretty good overall.
When we got back, Josh started working on the yard. He was already super antsy from being sick the last couple days and wanted to work it out of his system. Those who know Josh, know that he doesn't stay down long-sick or not. It drives him bonkers (and ornery) to be stuck in bed or lying down too long. lol.

By the end of the day, he was exhausted, but felt much better- mentally and physically. Our patch of flower bed -which used to be an area that Bandice (our old dog) destroyed- looked great. Good job Josh!

Josh and I tried the Thai place in town that we haven't been to in like 4 years. Originally, we didn't like them, but they have new owners since and decided to give it another try. They are okay. I still like chinese better, but pretty good overall.
When we got back, Josh started working on the yard. He was already super antsy from being sick the last couple days and wanted to work it out of his system. Those who know Josh, know that he doesn't stay down long-sick or not. It drives him bonkers (and ornery) to be stuck in bed or lying down too long. lol.

By the end of the day, he was exhausted, but felt much better- mentally and physically. Our patch of flower bed -which used to be an area that Bandice (our old dog) destroyed- looked great. Good job Josh!

Getting Sick
Man, it seems like it's just been sick season all over but especially in our house. Tiffy was sick Monday night and through Wednesday morning. Josh got sick, Tuesday through Thursday. I got sick on Wednesday and have been sick ever since. Sigh. Yes, I know, it takes me a LOT longer than the rest of the family to get better- weak immune system and all. On the upside, though, my immune system seems to be getting a bit better.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Memorial Day
On Memorial Day, we had a BBQ with some of our friends: Alton and Angie and their 3 kids, Jeanie and Coby and their 2 kids, (plus Jen and Scott- friends of Angie and Jeanie).
The day was pretty chill and so by 1:30P Josh and I had finished cooking and cleaning. We decided to get ready and then go over and help Jeanie clean and get set up and ready as promised for the BBQ at 4P since Coby wasn't back from golfing yet.
We went over a little after 2:30P and were getting all set up (chairs, pool, BBQ, etc). The 2 girls (Tiffy and Briann) were hanging out on the hammock while the pool got ready. They got their towels all ready and were super excited once the pool was warm enough to play in.

Tiffy made me laugh because she kept putting the towel over her face because it was so bright out. LOL.

Finally, around 4 PM everyone started showing up for the BBQ. We had a lot of good food and good company. After dinner, the kids went downstairs to play and watch a movie and the adults went outside to play Taboo (girls vs. guys). The women won (yes, that's right!) 2 out of 3. Ha ha! All in all, it was a lot of fun.
The day was pretty chill and so by 1:30P Josh and I had finished cooking and cleaning. We decided to get ready and then go over and help Jeanie clean and get set up and ready as promised for the BBQ at 4P since Coby wasn't back from golfing yet.
We went over a little after 2:30P and were getting all set up (chairs, pool, BBQ, etc). The 2 girls (Tiffy and Briann) were hanging out on the hammock while the pool got ready. They got their towels all ready and were super excited once the pool was warm enough to play in.

Tiffy made me laugh because she kept putting the towel over her face because it was so bright out. LOL.

Finally, around 4 PM everyone started showing up for the BBQ. We had a lot of good food and good company. After dinner, the kids went downstairs to play and watch a movie and the adults went outside to play Taboo (girls vs. guys). The women won (yes, that's right!) 2 out of 3. Ha ha! All in all, it was a lot of fun.
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