Alton and josh also went out and found some nice boulders and put them in the yard as well. Thank you for your help Alton! As my daughter would say, they were "honking" heavy! LOL!

Josh, then finished up the other 2 sides of the area with more flowers and mini pine bushes.

Tiffy came out when she got home and was like "Wow dad! You sure did a lot!" I cracked up at that.

Later that night, we were watching a neighbor girl and a friend of Tiffy's (Maddie). The girls were playing on the trampoline before we went to the drive-in movie. Josh and I were hanging out talking and watching them in our gazebo.
At one point, Tiffy and Maddie were doing "tricks" on the tramp, and Tiffy wanted to show me her round-off. So, I got it on tape. LOL.

After they'd played a bit, it was time to go to the movies. We thought about calling Angie and Alton to see if they wanted to come with us, but decided not to because we knew it was their family night and figured they'd be hanging out together. So, off we went. I finish parking and I get out of my car an lo and behold, look who is approaching our car....Angela and the kids. LOL! We cracked up at that. Turns out that they had decided to go to the drive in with their family. Alton told Josh that they had thought about calling us to see if we wanted to go, but decided not to cause they knew Josh had been working on the yard the last 2 days and was probably exhausted. They had thought we'd probably be and hanging out at home relaxing. We cracked up at that and thought it was super funny. LOL.
We got home a bit after 1 AM since there had been 2 movies at the drive-in (17 Again and Ghosts of Girlfriends Past)- both good movies. I decided (again- not a new thing) that we must be massochists since we had to get up way early the next morning for dress rehearsal for the recital. LOL. Crazy, but fun.
Your yard is looking way good. Can't wait to see it all done.
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