As we were on the bus, everyone was really excited and happy. I had 4 kids in my group (Tiffy- of course-, Kelsey, Nathan and Gavin). On the bus, we played the alphabet search game, rock-paper-scissors, I-Spy, and more.

Once we got there, we all lined up in our groups. I took the chance to take a pic of the 4 kids. They were still super excited!

Once inside, we took the chance to check out the minerals, dinosaur bones, wildlife and frogs.

We got to see the "frog" show they had. Even though Tiffy kept saying to Kelsey "this is SO NOT funny", they were quiet for it and paid attention to the show.

There was this cool native american "hut". There was a "secret" exit and everything in case of attack. They loved it and all took turns going out of it. All I thought was, "Man, that hole is small!!! No way would I fit through that." LOL!

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