After a little bit, we were told that we were going back now. I was surprised since it was only 12:15 PM. Usually, on field trips, we stay until 2P or so...but whatever. The kids all lined up in their classes and practiced their song (not sure what song or for what reason, but all the kids knew all the steps). Tiffy kept making weird faces and playing with her tongue the whole time. It was funny and weird at the same time.

On the way home, I was mellow as I was tired and very cold (from the windows being open). They had energy, but not as much as on the way in. I took Tiffy home once we got back (around 1:30P) so it was nice. All in all, she had a lot of fun and so did I. I like being able to spend time with her and be there for her school events. Even though I see her every day and spend time with her one on one almost every day, she grows up so fast that I'm constantly amazed how fast time goes. before I know it, she will be a teenager and not my babe anymore. I just hope that I can still be as good friends with her as a teen and an adult as I am right now. I never want to lose how close we are. I definitely came to a realization before I had Tiffy how important it as to me to be close to my daughter.
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