We got there just in time, though we had to book it cause if you are late for your in time, we aren't alowed to compete- studio requirements. This was made more difficult, of course, by the fact that I had to carry everything myself (usually I have Josh to help me, but since he had to work, I was on my own) and they moved our dressing room and were telling us the wrong location (way wrong!). By the time I got there though, I was starting to sweat- which if you know me, you now is rare. lol. Anyway, we made it. We got there and had to touch up the makeup, get the stars on their faces and strip down to the "Mickey" costume (which was on under the track suit).

They got stretched out and before we knew it, it was time to go on stage.

Devin had saved us spots in the gym, so Kristin and I went to go sit down. I was looking at the program as several dances had passed and I didn't even see the girls. I was wondering where they were. Then I get this text from Tamra asking me where I'm at. At that exact moment I realize the problem. I looked at the program and said "CRAP!" I turned to Kristin and told her we should be in the Auditorium. We both got up and booked it to the auditorium. Luckily, there was almost a whole row in the 3rd row open. So we got there in plenty of time (5 dances still to go before we were up), but man it made me frazzled. I would have been so very PISSED if I would have missed it. Good thing we didn't. Phew!!!
They came on and performed and were cute as always, though they didn't seem to be as on point as normal. I chalked it up to Janica and Jessica not going over their dance with them before hand- which I wasn't sure why didn't happen.
Anyway, we had to hurry and book it out of there since we had exactly 12 minutes between the end of their Mickey dance and the time we had to be back in costume and in the Gym for their production number. Talk about a time crunch! Luckily we are the bomb and are veterans and know how to strip and re-dress fast if needed. No time for pics or anything else, just running. My feet were hurting SO bad by that time. Running in 4 inch heels is just not smart (for the feet that is). But hey, you do what you have to and suck it up).

They took the girls back to the changing room. So, I went back there and got Tiffy and Taylor and brought them back once they had changed for the Awards ceremony. The girls took 3rd place- which is okay, but not their usual score. They took Overall Grand Champions for their production number- they rocked it! One of the girls had fallen (from a different age group)and hurt herself, but she kept on going. I heard she couldn't even sit down for the awards ceremony. Poor girl. It's amazing to me the things these girls have to do for dance. They go onstage sick and they keep going after they fall or mess up, even though its extremely hard to do so. Good for them! Shows amazing commitment.
We were going to leave when we were told that all the Starlets mom's (that's us) had to go back to the changing room because Jocelyn (the owner) had to talk to us about an altercation that happened right in front of our girls a minute before their Mickey dance. So, we get there and Jocelyn apologizes to all of us for what happened. Apparently, one of the mom's on one of the other age groups, was 1/2 hr late and as a result, her daughter was not allowed to perform her dance with the girls (those were the pre-set rules, so I don't really feel bad for her. The daughter yes, but not the mom. Either way, they have to be fair). The mom got in Janica's face earlier, then went backstage and started picking a fight with her in front of our girls. So, Jocelyn got involved. The mom was apparently in her face and yelling and whatnot. Either way, it was right in front of Tiffy and Taylor and the rest of the girls saw it. Jocelyn thought the missteps had something to do with that situation. I didn't notice Tiffy messing up, which was good, but I could tell that several of the younger girls did. So, it probably did throw them off and psyched them out as they don't deal with conflict well. That's my assumption anyway. Sigh. I thought it was good that Jocelyn wanted to explain and apologize though. I think it showed that she was taking accountability for it, even though it couldn't be avoided and wasn't her fault.
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