There was this BIG tire that is so huge. Each of the trucks have about 6 of these tires on them. It was pretty fun to see the comparison.

There was a really good view of the mine. It was pretty cool to see.

There was this bucket that miners used to ride down the mine shafts. We were going to get a picture butthen this old lady cut in and just plopped her kid in the bucket. it pissed me off that some people are so inconsiderate and oblivious to everyone else in te world. But whatever! I wasn't going to let that ruin our trip. After they moved, Tiffy tok a cute pic. :)

Afterwards, we took quarters and used them to see out of the telescope things that they had to see up closer and in detail. It was pretty awesome. There was this BIG semidown below and it looked tiny in comparison to one of the big hauler trucks. It was neat to see though.

After that, we saw this mine shaft train thing that was pretty cool. Tiffy took a cute pic on it.

It was a long way out there, but we had a lot of fun and it was a good fun free (since its free family week) family fun. lol.