Anyway, Cayson went home after their date, but Brieann stayed and had a sleepover with Tiffy. The 2 girls get along really well and had a lot of fun. The kids helped me cook dinner and I tried a cauli-mashed potato dish that I invented. :) It turned out really well and Josh couldn't even tell it wasn't mashed potatoes. LOL!
After I put Cayson to sleep (till his parents came to get him), the girls and I ate a dessert (jello w peaches, strawberries and bananas). Now that's dessert done healthy! It was good!

The next morning, the girls hung out and played with Tiffy's DS until we all got up.

Then, we got the girls ready and ran some errands. While running errands, we went to a clothing store, and when we came out, I heard a noise coming out of a black van that was sitting in the sun with all the windows up. I looked in the car and there were 2 kids sitting there locked in the car in 100F heat with no adult or anything there. I about freaked! I mean, come on! Do people not care about their kids, or realize that people die like that. I watched this special on the news just last week and they were explaining that the heat in a car can jump 30F in 3 minutes and can reach temps of abt 165F in just 20 mins if it is 85F outside. Well, it was 100F yesterday, so I can imagine that the temps would raise significantly. Josh ran inside the store we were just in and let someone know that there were kids in a car right outside their store and asked if anyone was the parent. No one claimed the kids. The store girl ran outside and had them open the doors and windows to cool them down. We had to drop some stuff off at the library, but I was so bothered by the situation with the kids, that I had to come back and make sure that they were gone. If tey had still been there, I would have called the cops. Not only should you NEVER leave your kids sitting in a car alone, but they were left in the heat with no ventilation. THAT is how you lose your kids. So sad. Luckily, they were gone...but man, was I bothered by that situation. Scares me to think what could have happened had no one noticed.
We all went to go see the Sorcerer's Apprentice later in the day. It was pretty good. It will be interesting to see if they make follow up movies, which they left it wide open for. It was a fun time. Later in the day, we all BBQ'd and had a good dinner. I love BBQ's!
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