Once all the kids were there, they started doing activites. On one of the days, they had a scavenger hunt where they had "team leaders" and they had to find certain things. Tiffy was a leader of course. LOL. Then, they got to keep what they had found which all the kids were super excited about.

On another day, they took a hike.

During the hike, Tiffy was able to get really close to a deer. Helene said that she was about 10 ft away from the deer which is pretty good.

They all got to play by the creek...

Then, they found this BIG chair in town that they took some pics on and had some ice cream on.

The next day, they went on the tram that took them to the top of the mountain. The kids all loved the tram.

They got to play on the rocks and feed the chipmunks. They only had some bags of feed. So, Tiffy decided she would share w Levi.

There was a patch of snow that the kids played on.

Overall, they just had fun playing up there.

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