Monday, August 25, 2008

Currant Creek- The time there

Since we got in to camp pretty late, by the time we set up camp and got dinner made, it was pretty late and had been dark for a while. So, we switched the lunch for the dinner and had sausage hot dogs and grapes for dinner. We then roasted marshmallows and chatted for a bit by the fire before we all went to sleep. The next morning, the guys made breakfast omelets in a bag with fruit.

Afterwards, the guys went fishing.

While they were gone, Angela and I took the kids to the park for some amusement. They got bored shortly after some other kids showed up. To be fair though, it was REALLY hot out there. Angela and I sat outside in the shade, and even we felt like we were cooking.

After a heavy lunch of meatball subs, we all went swimming in the lake. It was cold. Since the guys had their "free time" with fishing, they gave us some "free time" to swim and tan on floaties in the lake. It was nice and relaxing (sort of- the water was way cold) and a very needed cool off.

The guys (true to form) occupied themselves while they watched the kids play by throwing rocks into the water and trying to hit seaweed and also trying to hit some pole. It never ceases to amaze me how easily entertained they are sometimes. I had to laugh!

When we got back, it was time to make dinner. Angela and I made dutch oven chicken and potatoes- It was good. After that, we made dutch oven caramel apple cake for dessert and roasted some marshmallows.

After eating, we all hung out by the fire again and roasted marshmallows (this time strawberry marshmallows).

The next morning, we all decided to go back down to the lake so that they could fish. I sat in the shade and read my book while they enjoyed the fishing. Unfortunately, we didn't catch anything but seaweed, but it was beautiful nonetheless.

Afterwards, we packed up and got ready to go. Before we left, we made sure to drop off the cans of soda that the kids had been collecting throughout the trip (for their "treat").

During the drive back, we stopped in Heber at Granny's Drive In for some lunch. It was pretty good. We got home around 4 PM. Overall, it was a fun trip. I have to say, I was glad to be home though and take a shower and sleep in my own bed. LOL!

Currant Creek- The trip up

We decided to go camping at Currant Creek. The drive there was long because of all the traffic and construction. Regardless, we had fun.

We kept ourselves entertained with our 2-way radio's. We made up names for each other; Josh and I made them up for Angela and Alton and vice versa. Alton was named the "Angry Asian" and Angela was "Peaches and Cream." I was named "Peggy Bundy"(though I don't know why or how that came up), and Josh's was never made up for sure. They gave him the name "Jimmy Neutron" later. Something about all of his gadgets.

There was this point where we went down a hill and Tiffy was laughing so hard and having fun pretending it was a roller coaster that we just had to take a picture.

While we were stopped we had the opportunity to see a pack of sheep and a ram. It was cool.

I was hot and bored. So, at one point while we were waiting for traffic, I stuck my feet out the window and Josh thought it would be funny to take a picture.

What should have been a 2.5 hour drive turned into a 4 hour drive. Overall, it was fine though. We got to camp and picked out our spot by about 7 PM. Luckily we got a really good spot.

Prepping for camping and Tiffy's 2nd day

We decided to go camping with our friends Angela and Alton. So, Friday was kind of a crazy day with the prepping of everything. Angela asked me to watch Taylor for a bit while she went to Jayden's first mass. So, I took Taylor on our errands. The funniest part is how excited she was to be coming to take Tiffy to school. So, I got a cute picture of the 2 of them on Tiff's 2nd day of school.

Josh had to go into work that morning for a while. So, I had to prep the car and buy the last of the groceries. The day just flies when you're busy. I had a ton of errands to run and was a bit amazed at how fast time can fly when you're busy prepping for things. Taylor was great through the whole thing. She got a bit cranky at one point, but overall a good helper. Before I knew it, it was time to go get Tiffy from school.

Tiffy's First Day of 1st Grade

Tiffany started school on Thursday the 21st. She was so cute. In the morning, during breakfast, it was all she could talk about.

She has been so excited, and when she got there she was a bit quiet and shy, but she knew exactly what she needed to do.

I got a great picture of her and her teacher: Ms. Salik.

Tiffy says she really likes her. I'm excited to see how much Tiffy will grow and change in the next year. I guess we'll see.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Celebration of Life

I was watching this special on about Randy Pausch and this book he wrote (and lecture he gave) called The Last Lecture: A Celebration of Life. He said a lot of really interesting things that I will have to think about and really take to heart. Things about how to live your life. How you should live your life already having done the things that are on your "bucket list."

Here is a man who has a wonderful life, career, family and then he gets pancreatic cancer. He is told he will die, and yet he finds the strength to be happy, and to live life to the fullest. Instead of sitting around moping and saying "this is unfair" he accepts it and tries to do what he can to enjoy his life and make it fuller. He sees himself as a "Tigger" and not as an "Eeyore."

He said that the thing that makes him sad and emotional is not that he won't be there to see his kids grow up, but that they won't have him around. Thinking about it, that is really true. He used the analogy of somone pushing his family off a cliff and not letting him be there to catch them. I became a little familiar with things that he said, during my Positive Psychology class this last semester, but it wasn't until I watched this special that I actually paid much attention to it. I guess I was in the right place for the message.

I think we could all learn something from his message...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Cemetary

Something those who know me is that I'm kind of morbid and find humor and relaxation in things that most people wouldn't. LOL! One way this in expressed is in my love of cemetaries. To me, its a peaceful place where you can relax and evaluate things in life in the correct perspective.

The other day, I decided to take some time and chill. So, Tiffy and I decided to go the cemetary here in town, that I've driven by but not gone to. So, we went over and checked out the graves and headstones. It was funny cause we would walk by the graves and Tiffy would ask, how old they were when they died. When she got to a child's grave (pretty much every time), she would get a sad face and say "Mom! That's so sad!It's so sad when babies die!"

We walked to the center "plaza" portion and checked out the memorial marker they had there. We took some pictures to show what a good time the 2 of us were having.

we found this beautiful spot where there was a grove of trees with lots of shade.

It's little times like that, that show how much fun you can have while not spending a dime. It isn't money that makes people happy- though it definitely helps. It's the ability to be around those you care about and spend quality time with them. Due to our very hectic schedules, we don't have much time to spend a lot of quality time with Tiffany, but when I get a chance to, I love it.

Taylor's B-Day Party

Tiffany was invited to Taylor's 3rd birthday. So, she was excited because she just adores Taylor- They play all the time. The other reason was that the party was at the Build-A-Bear at the Gateway. They were all really cute!

First, they all picked out their bears. Tiffy picked a light brown one and decided to call it Annalina.

They all marched over to the area where they all stuffed their bears and got them all done up in bows and such. They sang Taylor "Happy Birthday!", wrote on a yellow bear for their personal comments to Taylor. Angie and Alton stood by taking in the event, proud of their daughter- Three is a big year after all!

The kids got to color, and then packed up their bears in their "houses". They got a picture with all of them before the end of the party. Then, they did a silly face picture. It was not hard to convince themto do that.

Afterwards, we all headed over to the food court to eat mini cupcakes and opent he presents. While the kids were on a potty run, Alton and I saw a couple of Amish people. They were so cute. it was an old man and his wife. We thought it was pretty funny though because how often do you see Amish people in this part of the country; let alone in the food court of a mall. I took a picure, even though Angie gave me a hard time about it (in good fun, of course). LOL!

He is the one in the center of the picture with the hat on. His wife wasn't visible in the picture.

Anyway, we went down to the fountain afterwards so the kids could play and cool off. I hadn't really planned on letting her get wet in the fountain since she was pretty tired already before we left for the party, but she wanted to get in so I let her get in with her clothes on. She got upset when her clothes were getting heavy (cause of her jeans). It cracked me up! It was mostly that she was are funny like that.

All in all, it was a good day and I'm glad we had the opportunity to go.