Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The drama continues

So, yesterday I go to pick Tiffy up and apparently a boy had sprayed chemical in her face not 5 minutes before. Was anyone doing anything? NO! Had the boy even been reprimanded? NO! When i got there I was beyond pissed. I spoke to the director and made her take care of the issue. Then, I called the owner and told her about it. Sufffice it to say, the teacher who should have been handling it, isn't there anymore as of last night. I was so ticked off. Especially since something like this happened to one of Tiff's friends less than a month ago. Sigh... what else can I do? nothing. It's all very frustrating. I had Tiffy rinse her face off and luckily the chemical was Cl based and was watered down so it didn't burn her or anything. My dad is picking Tiffy up today to watch her tonight so Josh and I can go out to a meeting. I'm sure they'll have a blast together. I SO need a vacation.

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