Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kindergarten Graduation

Today was Tiffany's kindergarten graduation. A big day for her! They were were SO cute. They had their program where they sand songs and performed for all the parents and showed us just how cute they are and how much they have grown and changed within the last year. I am so proud of Tiffy. She has done fantastic this last year in school. Has gotten 3's (an equivalent of an A) on everything and her teacher says she is above where she should be. So, that's fantastic!!! After the ceremony, Tiffy and Taylor got together for some pics. Not a big shocker for those who have seen the 2 in action. LOL! Either way, they're adorable.

After, Tiffy and Taylor played for a few minutes while Kristin and I chatted.

I am constantly amazed at these girls. No matter what it is they do, they have fun. I kind of wish I was like that still...where its easy to be entertained by nothing. They have their whole lives in front of them and its a lot of fun to see it unfold.

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